Wooh! yesterday i made my first contribution to the society at the age of 18
I used to think that i don't want to grow up so quickly
because once i'm considered an adult
i'll be stripped of many privileges
That's quite true
but you do gain certain freedom at the same time
Just yesterday, the day after my birthday
there was a blood donation drive in my school
I only knew of the event on the day itself
They had it at the start of the year as well
and similarly, i only noticed it on that day
but what was different is that
i had to print out a consent form
and look for my guardian to sign it
so in the end i didn't make it through the donation
whereas this time, muahaha, i don't need anyone's consent
so i just went there right after my lessons ended
and proceeded with the blood donation
I felt so lucky that my birthday was just the day before
It was my first time so it appeared quite exciting!
I think being an adult means that you should start giving back to the society.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The ComeBack
Once again, i didn't do well for my block tests
I felt very bad
because many of my teachers had come to me
and all that they were saying to me was
"you could have done well easily
what happen to you?"
and then they would ask "are you encountering this problem that problem..."
Why couldn't they just scold me for not working hard enough?!
because that would make me feel a lot better...
So what do all these mean?
It means that I'm going to START STUDYING!
I don't know if you would agree with me
but i think it's still not too late
I'm not going to let my teachers down again
otherwise i really don't deserve to have such good teachers
Also, for the sake of my own future,
there is no reason why i should slack anymore
So, please forgive me if i'm not updating my blog very often
as that will really save me quite some time
July 29
My birthday
First of all, i would like to thank LooTing, JiaJun and ZhiTao
for their birthday performance for me at 12am
Although both the guitarist and the singer were out of tune
i really did appreciate what you guys had done for me
I love the card also (:
Thank you so much!
Next, thank you to everyone else that had sent me birthday wishes
My famiily, my classmates, my friends...
I love all of you!
There is one person that i would like to specially mention
She is Jaci
It really surprised me that she could still remember my birthday
I was so touched by that
and i promise i will never forget her birthday!
I felt very bad
because many of my teachers had come to me
and all that they were saying to me was
"you could have done well easily
what happen to you?"
and then they would ask "are you encountering this problem that problem..."
Why couldn't they just scold me for not working hard enough?!
because that would make me feel a lot better...
So what do all these mean?
It means that I'm going to START STUDYING!
but i think it's still not too late
I'm not going to let my teachers down again
otherwise i really don't deserve to have such good teachers
Also, for the sake of my own future,
there is no reason why i should slack anymore
So, please forgive me if i'm not updating my blog very often
as that will really save me quite some time
July 29
My birthday
First of all, i would like to thank LooTing, JiaJun and ZhiTao
for their birthday performance for me at 12am
Although both the guitarist and the singer were out of tune
i really did appreciate what you guys had done for me
I love the card also (:
Thank you so much!
Next, thank you to everyone else that had sent me birthday wishes
My famiily, my classmates, my friends...
I love all of you!
There is one person that i would like to specially mention
She is Jaci
It really surprised me that she could still remember my birthday
I was so touched by that
and i promise i will never forget her birthday!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sound The Horn
- Got back my bio paper
let's not talk about how i did
because it's just too disheartening
All that i know is deja vu.
After school, i went to cut my hair at coro
It's a 2 month-old new salon
It made me even more depressed
because the haircut was like shit
And worse, it's going to appear in the yearbook
since my class is retaking the class photo on Monday
T.T i don't want to go to school
You know what, the hairdresser even gave me a few vouchers
and asked me to invite my friends there to cut
Eh please! you want to commit evildoings don't drag me along
Go and retrain yourself please
At 6.00pm, i went to Shodoku at Heeren for JuniorsTreatSeniors
It was quite fun
because yurong and i ate S$30 worth of food each
I must first say a big thank you to Dominic
whom we suspect had secretively gone to watch movie with Heather
and therefore both of them "conincidentally" unable to go for the JTS
so we could take his share ^.-
Hmm, so what did we have?
We both ordered ribs
It was pork and it took me quite some effort to finish it
then we ordered 2 big plates of vege and mushroom
By the time we were finishing it, we were already extremely full
and completely bored of the food...
Lastly, we had a pancake with banana and chocolate on it
and it was super tasty i assure you
For drinks, we also had 2 overpriced coca cola
Even now i can feel that the food is still being digested in my stomach
I think it can last me the entire day
Oh, and the guys from my class started this funny idea
now, all the guys in my class are known as Baking Boys
with 队长 - 豆沙
i think yurong's name is the cutest - 蛋挞
We got so high during JTS and we sang all the lame songs
like pokemon, digmon.....(remix)
Bryan was teased for his shirt again
not the camera shirt this time
but some weird "all things are one" shirt
I reached boarding school at 11pm
Took a shower
Mousehunt for a while
then started watching Slumdog Millionaire
I always wanted to watch it
but always had a reason not to
It was quite nice
I like the story and the slums
It's quite enlightening i must say
By the time i finished the movie,
it's already 3+am
- Couldn't wake up for breakfast in the morning
but i wasn't hungry anyway
the food is still in my stomach
Woke up at 9am and went Lido to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
We watched the 11am slot at lido 4
Should have watched the 10.30 instead because it's in lido classic
The seats in lido 4 were so uncomfortable!
I fell asleep half way through the movie
Too tired
or maybe i just don't like this kind of movies
I think the movie's indeed not very nice
Had a msn convo with ShiHuan
He finally came online
He complained that i told him to go online but had nothing to say to him
So you know how 无聊 we were
He said he's a quiet person and i said i'm shy
He then taught me how to say i love you in Tamil
I wonder where he learnt it from
Maybe he has an indian girlfriend that he is not telling us
After that, we started making emo sentences
like those that he always posted on facebook
and said that they're what "sudden inspirations"
These are some of the "sudden inspirations" we had:
(this one is sweet. i think it's the way you would feel when you are deeply in love with someone)
(this one i like it very much personally)
Although the sentences are just so so
but given that it's impromtu
i think it's very good already
I have told ShiHuan that i'm going to compete with him on facebook
in "sudden inspirations"
Let's see whose posts are more emo
Malaysia vs Man UMalaysia's goals are quite cool :)
They are going to have another match on Monday
because Man U's match in Jakarta is cancelled
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's NOT right!
Whee! KennSiang just threw me a KitKat.
I wonder when was the last time a had KitKat.
It tasted extremely nice but my favourite is still TimTam (:
Got a stupid demerit for late-coming today
It's funny to even think about it.
They told us that we are not having flag-raising in the morning as a H1N1 preventive measure
By common sense, it naturally means that we can go to school later
It was the practice all along
What's the matter as long as we reach school before 7.50am for the first lesson?
However, to my surprise, she said she was instructed to "hunt" for the scholars who arrive at school later that 7.30am
WOW, impressive man.
what should i say? Bravo! you had a wonderful yield today.
she caught 100 to 200 scholars this morning
How astonishing! Why so sudden? No warning at all?
I didn't even notice that i was actually breaking the "school rule"
I bet many of the other scholars were the same
otherwise she wouldn't have had such a "huge success"
So, why doing this instead of telling us that we have to come to school before 7.30am?
Is that the way of doing things?
because that's exactly the message that the school is sending to ths students
What disgusted me more was that my local friends told me that they came at 7.45am but they weren't caught for late-coming
So what's this now?
They purposely targeted on the scholars?
I simply think that they are making a fool of themselves.
Speaking of my boarding school, it's worse.
We already have a confirmed case of H1N1.
The person's just staying a level above me
He uses the same elevator that i use everyday
And yet, the boarding school isn't alerting the boarders of this
why is this so? what are you people waiting for?
are you going to wait until the entire block gets infected?
It's weird how they manage situation like this.
Okay, enough of these.
I bought the "mugger handbook" of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.
All because i lost to peer pressure!
All the guys in my class bought it.
It's S$6!!!
Apart form the fact that it's overpriced, I am quite worry that my "investment" will go into waste since there is a high possibility that i will not read the booklet and just put it on my shelf to collect dust
Arghh...hopefully i will not
BECAUSE the opportunity cost is an absolutely mesmerizing cup of starbucks coffee ):
I watched this movie yesterday:
The Notebook
you seriously must watch this if you are a fan of romance
the plot is super nice!
I would say that this is classic!
To ShiHuan:
I don't want to play with you anymore.
There is no fun playing a game that the opponent has absolute advantage in.
They call me sneaky, that's not my name! :@
I wonder when was the last time a had KitKat.
It tasted extremely nice but my favourite is still TimTam (:
Got a stupid demerit for late-coming today
It's funny to even think about it.
They told us that we are not having flag-raising in the morning as a H1N1 preventive measure
By common sense, it naturally means that we can go to school later
It was the practice all along
What's the matter as long as we reach school before 7.50am for the first lesson?
However, to my surprise, she said she was instructed to "hunt" for the scholars who arrive at school later that 7.30am
WOW, impressive man.
what should i say? Bravo! you had a wonderful yield today.
she caught 100 to 200 scholars this morning
How astonishing! Why so sudden? No warning at all?
I didn't even notice that i was actually breaking the "school rule"
I bet many of the other scholars were the same
otherwise she wouldn't have had such a "huge success"
So, why doing this instead of telling us that we have to come to school before 7.30am?
Is that the way of doing things?
because that's exactly the message that the school is sending to ths students
What disgusted me more was that my local friends told me that they came at 7.45am but they weren't caught for late-coming
So what's this now?
They purposely targeted on the scholars?
I simply think that they are making a fool of themselves.
Speaking of my boarding school, it's worse.
We already have a confirmed case of H1N1.
The person's just staying a level above me
He uses the same elevator that i use everyday
And yet, the boarding school isn't alerting the boarders of this
why is this so? what are you people waiting for?
are you going to wait until the entire block gets infected?
It's weird how they manage situation like this.
Okay, enough of these.
I bought the "mugger handbook" of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.
All because i lost to peer pressure!
All the guys in my class bought it.
It's S$6!!!
Apart form the fact that it's overpriced, I am quite worry that my "investment" will go into waste since there is a high possibility that i will not read the booklet and just put it on my shelf to collect dust
Arghh...hopefully i will not
BECAUSE the opportunity cost is an absolutely mesmerizing cup of starbucks coffee ):
I watched this movie yesterday:

you seriously must watch this if you are a fan of romance
the plot is super nice!
I would say that this is classic!
To ShiHuan:
I don't want to play with you anymore.
There is no fun playing a game that the opponent has absolute advantage in.
They call me sneaky, that's not my name! :@
Monday, July 13, 2009
OMG, i finally found someone who thinks the same way i thought!
LaToya Jackson believes that her brother Michael Jackson was murdered for his money in a conspiracy by shadowy hangers-on.
This was exactly the theory that i told JiaJun right when i was back in Singapore 2 days after Michael's death.
What came into my mind straight after i heard about his death was that it's too well-timed.
The immediate disappearance of his personal doctor further raised my suspicion.
Indeed, I agree that Micheal worth more dead than alive.
《我要快乐》- 张惠妹
LaToya Jackson believes that her brother Michael Jackson was murdered for his money in a conspiracy by shadowy hangers-on.
This was exactly the theory that i told JiaJun right when i was back in Singapore 2 days after Michael's death.
What came into my mind straight after i heard about his death was that it's too well-timed.
The immediate disappearance of his personal doctor further raised my suspicion.
Indeed, I agree that Micheal worth more dead than alive.
"I believe Michael was murdered," LaToya said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people. He was surrounded by a bad circle. Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that. People fought to be close to him, people who weren’t always on his side." "I am going to get down to the bottom of this," she added. "I am not going to stop until I find out who is responsible. Why did they keep the family away? It’s not about money. I want justice for Michael. I won’t rest until I find out what -- and who -- killed my brother." |
《我要快乐》- 张惠妹
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Stop Existing and Start Living
I just watched MichaelJackson's memorial.
It made me cried like crazy.
I really want to salute Michael Jackson once again
and this time, not for the talent that he had impressed on us
but for being such a great humanitarian.
He was magnanimous.
He had a big heart and had never stopped giving.
He saw things with his heart.
He was pure, honest and caring.
His music is starting to make more and more sense to me.
From now on, i must make that change,
living what the man really meant with his music
and making his life worth living.
Finally completed block tests 2.
Chemistry papers 1&2 were okay
although i didn't managed to finish both the papers.
Have to improve on time management next time.
I'm quite happy at the moment. Yeah man!
It made me cried like crazy.
I really want to salute Michael Jackson once again
and this time, not for the talent that he had impressed on us
but for being such a great humanitarian.
He was magnanimous.
He had a big heart and had never stopped giving.
He saw things with his heart.
He was pure, honest and caring.
His music is starting to make more and more sense to me.
From now on, i must make that change,
living what the man really meant with his music
and making his life worth living.
Finally completed block tests 2.
Chemistry papers 1&2 were okay
although i didn't managed to finish both the papers.
Have to improve on time management next time.
I'm quite happy at the moment. Yeah man!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
What's next?
OMG i just saw michael jackson's "this is it" rehersal footage.
It's evident that he put in a lot of effort to make the concert a fantastic one for his fans.
Ah...so wasted! Why is life so unfair?
It really makes me want to cry.
It's just one day after my last paper for last week and i have watched 4 movies in total - 保持通话(Connected), Night at The Musuem 2, 赤壁(Red Cliff)1 & 2.
赤壁1 & 2 lone took my about 6 hours. Nice man.
Regarding my block tests, i am not doing well.
I feel so sorry to disappoint my teachers again.
GP was difficult. Hopefully i can pass. Not likely though.
Econs was a mess. Usually when i get this kind of feeling after the test, my grade is not going to turn out nice.
Bio was all my fault. I left some of the topics unrevised and how unlucky they appeared on the essay section.
Math was the only one that i could score an A for consolation but i lost it already because i did the test very slowly and in the end i left out sufficient marks to deny myself of an A.
Chem is my only hope now. I still have 3 days before taking Chemistry paper1&2. I must get an A for this to regain some self-worth.
Argh...when would i start getting back to normal?!!!
It getting very near to A lvls already.
Must peak at the right time!
In search of an ordinary life, i realise that i don't like to be an ordinary person. Not at all and this is it!
Enough said, let me introduce some songs :)
I have been listening to the radio over the holidays, so i am quite updated now.
1) 天后 - 陈势安
i know there are better voices than his but i think his voice is good enough for the song. I just wouldn't get bored listening to this song repeatedly. For your information, his album isn't out yet.
2) 如果我变成回忆 - Tank
3) 寂寞先生 - 曹格
Sorry, i don't like his latest album "Supermarket". I will to listen to the album again soon. This is probably the best song in the album.
Lastly, i am very obsessed with this song lately
Unbreakable - WestlifeWeatlife's MVs are always very elegantly filmed.
This MV is quite touching.
Okay that's all for today.
I will have to readjust my biological clock.
Nowadays, i couldn't fall asleep at night and i couldn't stay awake in the afternoon.
Very disturbing.
It's evident that he put in a lot of effort to make the concert a fantastic one for his fans.
Ah...so wasted! Why is life so unfair?
It really makes me want to cry.
It's just one day after my last paper for last week and i have watched 4 movies in total - 保持通话(Connected), Night at The Musuem 2, 赤壁(Red Cliff)1 & 2.
赤壁1 & 2 lone took my about 6 hours. Nice man.
Regarding my block tests, i am not doing well.
I feel so sorry to disappoint my teachers again.
GP was difficult. Hopefully i can pass. Not likely though.
Econs was a mess. Usually when i get this kind of feeling after the test, my grade is not going to turn out nice.
Bio was all my fault. I left some of the topics unrevised and how unlucky they appeared on the essay section.
Math was the only one that i could score an A for consolation but i lost it already because i did the test very slowly and in the end i left out sufficient marks to deny myself of an A.
Chem is my only hope now. I still have 3 days before taking Chemistry paper1&2. I must get an A for this to regain some self-worth.
Argh...when would i start getting back to normal?!!!
It getting very near to A lvls already.
Must peak at the right time!
In search of an ordinary life, i realise that i don't like to be an ordinary person. Not at all and this is it!
Enough said, let me introduce some songs :)
I have been listening to the radio over the holidays, so i am quite updated now.
1) 天后 - 陈势安
i know there are better voices than his but i think his voice is good enough for the song. I just wouldn't get bored listening to this song repeatedly. For your information, his album isn't out yet.
2) 如果我变成回忆 - Tank
3) 寂寞先生 - 曹格
Sorry, i don't like his latest album "Supermarket". I will to listen to the album again soon. This is probably the best song in the album.
Lastly, i am very obsessed with this song lately
Unbreakable - WestlifeWeatlife's MVs are always very elegantly filmed.
This MV is quite touching.
Okay that's all for today.
I will have to readjust my biological clock.
Nowadays, i couldn't fall asleep at night and i couldn't stay awake in the afternoon.
Very disturbing.
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