Arsenal lost to Manchester United in a game that was a total crap :(
Those who watched it will understand what i am saying
I really don't know what to say
Just hope that this will not hit hard on Arsenal's morale
Prelims are starting in less than a week
I think i should really settle down and study
No idea how i'm going to force myself into it
but it's just going to happen

Today is Michael Jackson's birthday
but sadly he is no longer alive
still, happy birthday
My greatest idol AndyLau has finally announced his relationship with Carole Chu to the public

Glad that they need not be so secretive anymore
but seriously, can the media please spare them some privacy
What's wrong with Andy Lau having girlfriend?
Why must they make it like the greatest discovery of the century?
I think it's really not easy being the woman behind such a successful man
and also for a superstar to protect his family from the disturbance of media
Wish them all the best!
Lastly, i would like to recommend 2 movies that i watched recently
1) Gattaca

It's a science fiction about this guy who did everything that he could just to achieve his dream in a world where the majortity of the poeple is genetically modified to eliminate any inborn defects and where the natural people are discriminated against.
I don't really enjoy science fiction movies
but this one strikes an impression on me
because it includes strong emotions in it
I think a good science fiction movie
especially those dealing with ethical issues
should convey more of the emotions involved
Another sci fi movie that i appreciate is Artificial Intelligence
Watch both the movies if you want to know what i am talking about
2) RockNRolla

I wanted to watch this movie since very long ago and i finally got the chance to
It's by my favourite director Guy Ritchie
This movie is relatively easier to understand
I like the way the movie is done
Very artistic
If you like stories about how things work in the underworld,
try this movie!