Took the last paper which is Chemistry paper 1.
Really don't want to talk about it.
Not even want to think about it.
Never have i felt so screwed up for paper 1.
Staright away after the paper, i went back to boarding school to shower and play a bit of guitar before joining three of my friends on the 单身
Although the outing is named this way, i am quite suspicious with all of their status.
I am probably the only one remaining single :P
They are about the height as seemed to me.
I think the can form 1XX Club using their height.

It's M18. After watching it, i could understand why they rated it M18.
Some of the scenes were really gory.
Besides, it's still a nice movie.

I think Brad Pitt's acting is remarkable. Loved it.
Each chapters in the movie are interestingly plotted.
In the evening, we came back and boarded the bus to the scholars' farewell dinner.
Seafood steamboat sponsored by school.
It was quite a memorable night, at least for HueyJeen i guess.
We sang a bit of Karaoke there before heading back to boarding school.
This is still not the end of our post prelims celebration.
After that, we played bridge until around 3am as if we have no school the next day.
Wheee, it has really been a long time since i really played without any burden.
Enjoyed myself to the fullest!
Prelims are over and i seriously have no idea what to do now.