Today is also one of my friends' birthday!
He must be super pissed at me for putting his photo up=)
I should not comment about its tastiness..
He kept avoiding my camera today:
1st attempt
2nd attempt
3rd attempt
4th atempt
5th attempt
All failed=(
We went to Orchard Road to celebrate
Ate at Delifrance
and I had this:
All the following people went:

Don't understand why the are so obssessed with the "Loser" sign...

CalvinSim here with a charming pose=)
We even saw Andy Lau in the 瘦身男女version. Look at the guy in the background...
I am not kidding. He seriously looks alike to that version of Andy Lau
We then went to watch the Coffin
Karren Mok starred in it
Karren Mok starred in it
Not going to comment on it also
More about KennSiang, he is a smart guy, naturally
5 years my roommate.
All the best in earning his 5As
All the best in earning his 5As
and getting into MIT!!!
You can definitely do it.
If you can't, who else can?
Eh, eh, know you are happy now.
But don't be overwhelmed with hubris and turn complacent.
Today is also the day where SAW V is available on the big screen

Rated R21 in Singapore.
So, couldn't watch it.
Next, we walked along Orchard Road after the movie and saw this guy waiting for a cab.
Then, I requested to take a photo with him=)
Then, I requested to take a photo with him=)

That's not real okay? it's just him costume!
There are several other ghosts walking around Orchard Road too. So cool!
OKay, that's it for today.
Hope that you have also enjoyed your 31st of October=)
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