For 3 days, I have been thinking about what to post and I find myself running out of topic.
Right at the 2nd post! how am i going to maintain the blog?
It feels really unease when you know you have to post something soon but you have no idea what to post.
A friend of mine then tell me that I can really post anything that i like.
Just anything and by chance, I may link to something else intersting.
So, the deperate me has decided to talk about my exam results=)
For so many years, I would say that this time is the worst results that i have ever attained.
I do expect them actually.
Poeple ask me why and I ask my self why too.
3 reasons that I realised:
1) I have grown=) I learnt more about life and I understood what I really want in life.
2) I lost my greatest source of motivation.
3) Environment I am in.
For 1), I don't really think that it is a bad thing.
I think it is something that everyone will grasp at one point in life.
It's just a matter of when.
It simply happen to be quite early for me=)
Okay, this makes me relate to how to lead a happy life.
The key to it is just to do the things that you truly love.
Care nothing about what others think.
I still remember one of my friends told me 看得开就好
It's quite funny actually. because now i see myself turning into him and him turning into the past me=)
Sometimes it is quite contradictory.
There is this ego part of human in everybody that is hard to give up on.
And this is what precisely makes our life even more difficult when we are trying to go for things that we like.
For instance in my case, I have learnt that exam grades are not the most important thing in my life.
Along the way, in some ways, I have lowered down my expectations for myself.
As a consequence, obviously, I do not score as well as before.
But ironically, I can feel the pain and remorse in me.
Furthermore, my conciousness still reminds me that exam grades are important in today's society.
In other words, I have no choice or I can say that having good grades is actually what I love to achieve.
In the end, I have made up my mind that I should continue striving for my dreams but at the same time, not compromising on my exam results.
I used to be like this but I must admit that I have lost my head somewhere along the way.
It is natural if such a thing happen to some of you out there. Just remember to turn back=)
For 2), I would not like to talk about it.
All I have to say is I am trying very hard to look for something else of equal value or even higher to replace it but sadly to say, I failed to find one.
This is certainly something that I would like to overcome as it give purpose and direction in life to me.
Hopefully soon.
For 3), this is what basically my title is about.
I don't blame my friends for influencing me.
I always play hard and I always enjoy playing with them but the point is that I now study less hard.
Why so?
I merely find myself in a situation where I have no smarter opponent to play against and this perhaps leads to complacency as it lacks competition.
When I say there is no smarter opponent doesn't mean that I am an arrogant guy that look down on every other people.
What I mean is that I am allocated into a place where I neglected many potential challengers or perhaps really there isn't someone that is able to trigger my interest in competing with them.
Right at the 2nd post! how am i going to maintain the blog?
It feels really unease when you know you have to post something soon but you have no idea what to post.
A friend of mine then tell me that I can really post anything that i like.
Just anything and by chance, I may link to something else intersting.
So, the deperate me has decided to talk about my exam results=)
For so many years, I would say that this time is the worst results that i have ever attained.
I do expect them actually.
Poeple ask me why and I ask my self why too.
3 reasons that I realised:
1) I have grown=) I learnt more about life and I understood what I really want in life.
2) I lost my greatest source of motivation.
3) Environment I am in.
For 1), I don't really think that it is a bad thing.
I think it is something that everyone will grasp at one point in life.
It's just a matter of when.
It simply happen to be quite early for me=)
Okay, this makes me relate to how to lead a happy life.
The key to it is just to do the things that you truly love.
Care nothing about what others think.
I still remember one of my friends told me 看得开就好
It's quite funny actually. because now i see myself turning into him and him turning into the past me=)
Sometimes it is quite contradictory.
There is this ego part of human in everybody that is hard to give up on.
And this is what precisely makes our life even more difficult when we are trying to go for things that we like.
For instance in my case, I have learnt that exam grades are not the most important thing in my life.
Along the way, in some ways, I have lowered down my expectations for myself.
As a consequence, obviously, I do not score as well as before.
But ironically, I can feel the pain and remorse in me.
Furthermore, my conciousness still reminds me that exam grades are important in today's society.
In other words, I have no choice or I can say that having good grades is actually what I love to achieve.
In the end, I have made up my mind that I should continue striving for my dreams but at the same time, not compromising on my exam results.
I used to be like this but I must admit that I have lost my head somewhere along the way.
It is natural if such a thing happen to some of you out there. Just remember to turn back=)
For 2), I would not like to talk about it.
All I have to say is I am trying very hard to look for something else of equal value or even higher to replace it but sadly to say, I failed to find one.
This is certainly something that I would like to overcome as it give purpose and direction in life to me.
Hopefully soon.
For 3), this is what basically my title is about.
I don't blame my friends for influencing me.
I always play hard and I always enjoy playing with them but the point is that I now study less hard.
Why so?
I merely find myself in a situation where I have no smarter opponent to play against and this perhaps leads to complacency as it lacks competition.
When I say there is no smarter opponent doesn't mean that I am an arrogant guy that look down on every other people.
What I mean is that I am allocated into a place where I neglected many potential challengers or perhaps really there isn't someone that is able to trigger my interest in competing with them.

This is very true.
If you are someone that only play against weaker opponent or dare not challenge a smarter opponent, you will never grow.
You will stay at where you are current and deteriorate when others are improving. 不进则退
Please do not fear of losing for there is always something to learn from failure.
You simply present yourself as a childish person in front of people who understand this point.
To think of it, your opponent might actually turn weaker due to complacency when he finds that you always lose to him but what he never realises is that you are growing=)
Okay, enough for all these boring stuff. Just some of my thoughts.
I must revive because next year is A levels already.
Not going to let my family and friends down now only at the very end of my secondary education.
一向来都做得那么好却要衰收尾, 我也不甘心啦!
Tell me if you all dislike this kind of post because obviously I do have something more interesting to say, just that i suddenly no 灵感.
Those that know me well should know how crappy i can be =)
Today don’t know why a bit emo.
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