i dont have a photo of him
you can just go facebook him
hope you enjoy your day
although i'm not there to celebrate with you
you have LooTing so nothing to worry about
basically did nothing productive today
yihang, stay focus!
forget about ...
PS: sorry for the lack of photos in recent posts
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
In the morning, i still managed to play an hour of soccer before i left for my bus.
I was drenched thoroughly after the game.
People at the mrt/ on the bus must be thinking that this crazy guy had run 10km with his baggage because God knows he was sweating not because of the extremely heavy baggage that could cause earthquake if dropped.
Even the security personnel at the Malaysian checkpoint demanded that i open up my baggage for her to examine.
Oh come on, it's just a harmful pile of notes!
Or did i look like a bad guy with some big plan to you?
anyway, i looked at myself in mirror and found that i became sturdier.
then i said, wow! after all these, at least there's still something good about carrying all my notes back isn't it?
hmmm...happy? well, my brain was telling me that it's juat a psychological effect dude
ahh, whatever... :S
okay, lets see what did i do after i was back in malaysia
my mom brought me to get a new pair of spectacles after we spent some time at one of the tables in McD eating what? ice-cream :)
Couldn't make up my mind on two of the chosen specs but in the end picked the one that the salesgirl said looked nice on me
hopefully it really does
After that, we went to Summit to fix my phone
I was totally pissed
the techinician said that the software of my phone's gone
so there goes everything that's stored in my phone too
the only way to fix it is by re-installing the software
and re-installing it cost $80 and no less
bullshit! you want to con me for such an easy job, i will just look for someone cheaper or do it myself
there's a comprehensive guideline online on how to reflash your phone =.=
furthermore they told me that sony ericsson's phones always encounter such a problem
and when the software is gone, it's just gone
there is no way that the software will wave byebye at you before leaving
so what now? i will just keep paying $80 to fix it over and over again if the software is in a vacation mood that it decides travel overseas frequently?
another technician then told me that it must be that i unplug the battery when the phone is on
but i was sure that i didn't!
when would be the time that i take out the battery?
it's only when i need to change the sim card and i always do turn it off before i do so
then i recall that one of my stupid friends once sent me a file that caused my phone to turn off by itself for many subsequent days
i dont know how that file works
but i suspect that it has something to do with the death of my phone
whatever it is, i'm going make sure that i save everything in my memory card next time and never to accept any unknown file even from my friend
following that, my mom went to look for another technician who offered a cheaper rate but he then claimed that my charging board was spoilt too
so the software couldn't be transferred to my phone
Arghhh.....nice try man
i didn't let him fix it
i will go back to him on monday and make sure that the thing works after he replaces a "working" charging board or i will not be paying him a single cent
That concluded my day and my mood can only be described by one word
I was drenched thoroughly after the game.
People at the mrt/ on the bus must be thinking that this crazy guy had run 10km with his baggage because God knows he was sweating not because of the extremely heavy baggage that could cause earthquake if dropped.
Even the security personnel at the Malaysian checkpoint demanded that i open up my baggage for her to examine.
Oh come on, it's just a harmful pile of notes!
Or did i look like a bad guy with some big plan to you?
anyway, i looked at myself in mirror and found that i became sturdier.
then i said, wow! after all these, at least there's still something good about carrying all my notes back isn't it?
hmmm...happy? well, my brain was telling me that it's juat a psychological effect dude
ahh, whatever... :S
okay, lets see what did i do after i was back in malaysia
my mom brought me to get a new pair of spectacles after we spent some time at one of the tables in McD eating what? ice-cream :)
Couldn't make up my mind on two of the chosen specs but in the end picked the one that the salesgirl said looked nice on me
hopefully it really does
After that, we went to Summit to fix my phone
I was totally pissed
the techinician said that the software of my phone's gone
so there goes everything that's stored in my phone too
the only way to fix it is by re-installing the software
and re-installing it cost $80 and no less
bullshit! you want to con me for such an easy job, i will just look for someone cheaper or do it myself
there's a comprehensive guideline online on how to reflash your phone =.=
furthermore they told me that sony ericsson's phones always encounter such a problem
and when the software is gone, it's just gone
there is no way that the software will wave byebye at you before leaving
so what now? i will just keep paying $80 to fix it over and over again if the software is in a vacation mood that it decides travel overseas frequently?
another technician then told me that it must be that i unplug the battery when the phone is on
but i was sure that i didn't!
when would be the time that i take out the battery?
it's only when i need to change the sim card and i always do turn it off before i do so
then i recall that one of my stupid friends once sent me a file that caused my phone to turn off by itself for many subsequent days
i dont know how that file works
but i suspect that it has something to do with the death of my phone
whatever it is, i'm going make sure that i save everything in my memory card next time and never to accept any unknown file even from my friend
following that, my mom went to look for another technician who offered a cheaper rate but he then claimed that my charging board was spoilt too
so the software couldn't be transferred to my phone
Arghhh.....nice try man
i didn't let him fix it
i will go back to him on monday and make sure that the thing works after he replaces a "working" charging board or i will not be paying him a single cent
That concluded my day and my mood can only be described by one word
Friday, May 29, 2009
Well, I haven't been blogging these few days because i really couldn't think of anything interesting to blog about.
Today is the last day of school for term 2.
I am supposed to feel excited but apparently i am not.
Weird isn't it?
what's wrong with me...
On wednesday, choir performed for ArtsFest.
It was the last performance for the 08/09 batch together.
we stayed back after that and sang a few of the old pieces
Lullaby sounded extremely touching on that day
perhaps it's because everybody sang from the bottom of their hearts
i always wanted choir to end as soon as possible
but i totally felt the other way round at that moment
by the way, 08 batch has officially graduated from choir today
and we voted for the new committee members
also, our math tutor MrsYap bought us a cake today to show her appreciation towards us - the most supportive class
how lovely isn't it
she is no longer our form teacher this year but she still treats us as if we are her form class :)
oh, and fortunate enough, it didn't turn into a cake smashing session this time
i am going back to Malaysia tomorrow for my one month holiday
haven't finish packing my stuff yet
my baggage is gonna be super heavy since i am bringing all my notes back
hopefully i can endure the journey to the bus station
i seriously don't understand why i am still feeling so unprepared to go home
i think i am missing something in Singapore
and i couldn't even stay to play soccer with my friends tomorrow morning because i am going back so early :(
MoXiang is coming to play....grrr
okay nevermind...that's not important
hmm... actually i already have a few things in mind that i would like to do during the holidays:
1) Grow as FAT as possible
2) Rest well
3) Study
4) Fix my phone/ buy a new one (the former is preferred)
5) buy a pair of new specs
6) Get a new haircut
7) Karaoke
8) Eat happily
9) Play soccer
and more
arghhh, okay i shall stop here
i am really running out of things to say
let me end off with an example of inconvenience caused by lousy handphones:
today, i went to retrieve my approved leave letter from the teacher's desk so that i can apply leave from boarding school and i saw that JiaJun's approved letter was there too
i hesitated whether to take for him and i chose not to since i didn't have a functional phone to inform him about it
what if he comes to search for it without knowing that i have taken for him and so he can't find it?
Later after school, i met him and he told me that he couldn't find his letter at the pigeonhole when he was actually supposed to look for it at the teacher's table instead
okay that's not the point
the main point was that he wanted to call me and asked me to collect his letter for him if i see it when i am getting mine
but unfortunately he knew that my phone was spoilt so he couldn't contact me
hence, the letter was actually there all the while and we could have save all the trouble if my phone wasn't spoilt
in the end, we both went to the staff room to get the letter together
so funny right? =.=
Monday, May 25, 2009
I just woke up with a pool of water underneath my head!!!
OH God, what kind of weather is this?!
you mean i had been sweating profusely while i was sleeping?
i thought the only way a person could wet his/her pillow was by tears
now i would have to wash my pillowcase :@
By the way, i have been surviving without a phone for a week!
Congratulate me man!
My apologies to everyone who has wanted to contact me over the week
i promise to get my phone fixed as soon as possible
i myself couldn't sms and call also okay, it's toturing
and super inconvenient
Another thing
i want to go home for my entire june holiday
but i am facing a dilemma here
i am extremely worried that i will not be studying
it has always been the case when i'm at home
i don't want to let anybody down anymore
but i don't trust myself
How? :S
And today
part of the skin of my index finger peeled off thanks to the floorball stick
now i cant do any pull up..
please recover as soon as possible
i still need to carry my incredibly heavy baggage back home
Last thing
i am having a Spanish exam on thursday
wish me luck!
i am gonna start studying for it later
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saturday Morning
I'm currently living without an alarm clock
and it's so surprising that i can still wake up in the morning
Yesterday, my class was selected to watch the girls and boys basketball finals
based on minimal lesson disruption as the school phrased it =.=
Our school won both the matches.
Hoefully they are giving us a half-day holiday next week. heehee
HongYao was totally awesome!
His basketball skills are super pro!
I like him man.
After that, i went to watch DanceNight
how was it really? sorry i couldn't tell
i think i was too tired at that time
but overall i think the dancers did a good job
oh ya, i remember
i particularly like the solo part at the starting of the first chinese dance
the dancer was so expressive and she shaped the dance so beautifully
i dont know how to explain it
it's just 很有古典美
besides, i like the senior's item and the dancing cleaner too, so funny
and lastly, i also did something that i never thought i would be brave enough to do
so proud of myself haha
okay now it's time to introduce a new movie:
Robert Downey Jr (the ironman guy) and Jude Law are starring in it!
And most importantly, the movie is directed by my favourite Guy Ritchie!
you can watch the trailer:Frankly speaking, the trailer didn't impress me
but i will still watch it i think
maybe the movie itself is nice
disclaimer: i have never mentioned in any way that the movie is good
so if you decide to watch it and it isn't good
please do not blame me
and it's so surprising that i can still wake up in the morning
Yesterday, my class was selected to watch the girls and boys basketball finals
based on minimal lesson disruption as the school phrased it =.=
Our school won both the matches.
Hoefully they are giving us a half-day holiday next week. heehee
HongYao was totally awesome!
His basketball skills are super pro!
I like him man.
After that, i went to watch DanceNight
how was it really? sorry i couldn't tell
i think i was too tired at that time
but overall i think the dancers did a good job
oh ya, i remember
i particularly like the solo part at the starting of the first chinese dance
the dancer was so expressive and she shaped the dance so beautifully
i dont know how to explain it
it's just 很有古典美
besides, i like the senior's item and the dancing cleaner too, so funny
and lastly, i also did something that i never thought i would be brave enough to do
so proud of myself haha
okay now it's time to introduce a new movie:

And most importantly, the movie is directed by my favourite Guy Ritchie!
you can watch the trailer:Frankly speaking, the trailer didn't impress me
but i will still watch it i think
maybe the movie itself is nice
disclaimer: i have never mentioned in any way that the movie is good
so if you decide to watch it and it isn't good
please do not blame me
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
19 May
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hey, i was watching Britain's Got Talent Episode 6.
Totally impressed by this 11-year-old boy - Aidan Davis.
Watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rrlhw4Y4DA
Too bad i cant put it here. Embedding's disabled.
His dance was fantastic.
Next, a very very little girl with a very very big voice:Okay, other than the little girl's good.
I actually have another point to make here.
Kelly Brook, the new judge, is very pretty... :)
Totally impressed by this 11-year-old boy - Aidan Davis.
Watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rrlhw4Y4DA
Too bad i cant put it here. Embedding's disabled.
His dance was fantastic.
Next, a very very little girl with a very very big voice:Okay, other than the little girl's good.
I actually have another point to make here.
Kelly Brook, the new judge, is very pretty... :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
17 May
A few things to blog about today
1st: Happy Birthday to Calvin :)
His birthday was yesterday though.
I knew i had something to blog for yesterday but i just couldn't recall.
Anyway, hopefully Calvin will visit my blog and see his handsome face here.
2nd: Today is LeeHom's Birthday!
Happy Birthday man!
Continue to make good music.
You Rock!
3rd: Watched Angels and Demons with LooTing and JiaJun today.
I haven't read the book before watching the movie.
I couldn't judge whether the movie is good in terms of the filming
because i was quite overwhelmed by the information that i had to absorb from the story
but what i can say is that the storyline was fantastic!
I finally know why it's called the Angels and Demons.
Fortuntely i didn't read the book before watching it or i would have missed all the thrill.
Thumbs up for the author.
4th: I had my chemistry SPA skill A paper yesterday.
Surprisingly, i was quite satisfied with it.
Usually, you will have at least some regrets after a SPA assessment
but for yesterday's paper i finished it 20 minutes before.
The only thing that i felt imperfect was my handwriting.
I was afraid that i might not be able to finish in time,
so i sped through it since the beginning and as a result my handwriting was horrible but still legible i think :]
OKay, i will update further if there is anymore interesting things happening to me at night. Whee!
1st: Happy Birthday to Calvin :)
I knew i had something to blog for yesterday but i just couldn't recall.
Anyway, hopefully Calvin will visit my blog and see his handsome face here.
2nd: Today is LeeHom's Birthday!

Continue to make good music.
You Rock!
3rd: Watched Angels and Demons with LooTing and JiaJun today.

I couldn't judge whether the movie is good in terms of the filming
because i was quite overwhelmed by the information that i had to absorb from the story
but what i can say is that the storyline was fantastic!
I finally know why it's called the Angels and Demons.
Fortuntely i didn't read the book before watching it or i would have missed all the thrill.
Thumbs up for the author.
4th: I had my chemistry SPA skill A paper yesterday.
Surprisingly, i was quite satisfied with it.
Usually, you will have at least some regrets after a SPA assessment
but for yesterday's paper i finished it 20 minutes before.
The only thing that i felt imperfect was my handwriting.
I was afraid that i might not be able to finish in time,
so i sped through it since the beginning and as a result my handwriting was horrible but still legible i think :]
OKay, i will update further if there is anymore interesting things happening to me at night. Whee!
Friday, May 15, 2009
First of all, correction to my previous post.
Ronaldo is not moving to Real Madrid anymore.
People claimed that he's expensive
and that he will disrupt locker room peace.
So sad, poor Ronaldo now has nowhere to belong.
An abum to recommend:
周传雄 - 恋人 创世纪
I only listened briefly to the album except for one song.
So cannot really comment on it yet
but 伤心酒杯 is really very nice.
His singing style is extraordinary.
Like what YuHeng said, "他唱歌很悠闲,很随便,但却很有技巧!"
and i think this is precisely what makes his songs so emotional.
Furthermore, his voice is very high.
I agree to YuHeng that he can be one of the 歌神s.
So check it out!
Ronaldo is not moving to Real Madrid anymore.
People claimed that he's expensive
and that he will disrupt locker room peace.
So sad, poor Ronaldo now has nowhere to belong.
An abum to recommend:

I only listened briefly to the album except for one song.
So cannot really comment on it yet
but 伤心酒杯 is really very nice.
His singing style is extraordinary.
Like what YuHeng said, "他唱歌很悠闲,很随便,但却很有技巧!"
and i think this is precisely what makes his songs so emotional.
Furthermore, his voice is very high.
I agree to YuHeng that he can be one of the 歌神s.
So check it out!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cristiano Ronaldo

Must be that he was unhappy with Ferguson's move of substituting him out during the match against Man City.
I knew it all back then while he was shaking his head watching the match after being substituted, the only thing that was on his mind must be to transfer to Real Madrid straight.
Haha, okay, actually we all know that he wanted to go over all along.
His keen interest was unconcealed the previous time.
SO yea, Man U is no longer Ronaldo FC in 2 months time....
P/S: Arsenal please please please buck up! this season's perfomance was really disappointing and disheartening...
and Liverpool, can you quit being 后劲不足! :@
Monday, May 11, 2009
Boring Day
Today was the make-up holiday for Vesak day.
I was supposed to be doing my homework
but instead i went out with my friends for a 5-hour karaoke :S
Who went?
Ziang and Cheo + Wilfred (not in photo)
Expected the kbox rate to be lower as the holiday wasn't a public one
but apparently it doesn't make any difference...
A sad thing to note was that my voice's still broken
but since that i would have no more choir practice
perhaps it's now really a good time for me to train back my singing style for pop songs now
OKay, other random things that i want to blog about:
this is the memorial mug to celebrate the tenth year my primary school (lick hung) has shifted
this is the cup that i have been using all the while
and this is also my favourite cup!
cause it is big enough?
Anyway, it was bought back in the year 2001
Next is photo that i took some time back
Jingbin (the one holding on to 2 soft toys) and my retarded roommate KennSiang...
err...dunno what to add on about them
they are both from 6C =.=
On saturday, choir had a performance
that was probably my last peformance in the choir
and it's definitely my last performance in VCH
Once again, presenting to you, the Basses.
Lastly, another photo that i took in the morning
can you recognise this cute guy?
he is none other than LooTing (^-^)V
I was supposed to be doing my homework
but instead i went out with my friends for a 5-hour karaoke :S
Who went?
Expected the kbox rate to be lower as the holiday wasn't a public one
but apparently it doesn't make any difference...
A sad thing to note was that my voice's still broken
but since that i would have no more choir practice
perhaps it's now really a good time for me to train back my singing style for pop songs now
OKay, other random things that i want to blog about:
this is the cup that i have been using all the while
and this is also my favourite cup!
cause it is big enough?
Anyway, it was bought back in the year 2001
Next is photo that i took some time back
err...dunno what to add on about them
they are both from 6C =.=
On saturday, choir had a performance
that was probably my last peformance in the choir
and it's definitely my last performance in VCH

Lastly, another photo that i took in the morning
can you recognise this cute guy?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
5 May
Monday, May 4, 2009
All or Nothing
Okay. i acually didn't want to blog but since that i have so much to tell, i'll just spend a little time writing.
Tomorrow will be the day.
The day when all our sufferrings finally yield results.
And i sincerely hope that everyone of us will give our best tomorrow.
Everything is simply determined by how well we perform tomorrow.
Our effort all along is equivalent to nothing if we are not on form tomorrow.
Who knows how hard you have worked or how well you have sung before if you are not showing it tomorrow.
Although we always say that the result is not important, but deep down our hearts, we all know that we want it all or nothing.
So, the main thing is to have no regrets.
And this can only be achieved by having no reservations for tomorrow.
Even if we really didn't meet our desired goal, we know that we have done our best and we are satisfied no matter what.
Don't turn it into something that you would like to alter if you could reverse time.
For the sake of our conductor, our teachers, our seniors, our friends and ourselves, we cannot afford to lose tomorrow.
Please sell all your souls to the music!
Over here, i would like to thank our conductor, our teachers and our seniors for going that extra mile to help us in acheiving our goal.
We will not let you down!
There is one thing that i must agree with my conductor, she admits to and apologizes for her mistakes and this isn't something that many other conductors can do.
I respect her fully for that.
Her only weakness is that she is rather bad-tempered and sad to say this largely determines whether our practice is good or bad. haha
Besides, i would like to thank all my friends who delivered their encouragements and last but not least i would like to tell all the choir members how much i LOVE you all.
so TOMORROW watch us make music!
Tomorrow will be the day.
The day when all our sufferrings finally yield results.
And i sincerely hope that everyone of us will give our best tomorrow.
Everything is simply determined by how well we perform tomorrow.
Our effort all along is equivalent to nothing if we are not on form tomorrow.
Who knows how hard you have worked or how well you have sung before if you are not showing it tomorrow.
Although we always say that the result is not important, but deep down our hearts, we all know that we want it all or nothing.
So, the main thing is to have no regrets.
And this can only be achieved by having no reservations for tomorrow.
Even if we really didn't meet our desired goal, we know that we have done our best and we are satisfied no matter what.
Don't turn it into something that you would like to alter if you could reverse time.
For the sake of our conductor, our teachers, our seniors, our friends and ourselves, we cannot afford to lose tomorrow.
Please sell all your souls to the music!
Over here, i would like to thank our conductor, our teachers and our seniors for going that extra mile to help us in acheiving our goal.
We will not let you down!
There is one thing that i must agree with my conductor, she admits to and apologizes for her mistakes and this isn't something that many other conductors can do.
I respect her fully for that.
Her only weakness is that she is rather bad-tempered and sad to say this largely determines whether our practice is good or bad. haha
Besides, i would like to thank all my friends who delivered their encouragements and last but not least i would like to tell all the choir members how much i LOVE you all.
so TOMORROW watch us make music!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Out of boredom, I read through my entire blog starting from the first post and a few things caught my atention.
I think it's really time for some reflection.
First thing, time flies. Everything in my blog is still fresh in my memory as though they have just happened yesterday but the truth is more than half a year have passed. Wow!
Next, i find that my english is ineffably poor. I feel so embarassed when i am reading my own blog :( please help me, i want to improve!
Also, i notice that i seldom capture the joyous moments of my life in the blog and on the contrary full of emo posts. So, from now on i'm going to change this.
Other than these, i also realise that i seldom talk about my choir. For a simple reason, my conductor does not like people to talk about it in blog. I love the choir as much as i hate it. So, it's only wise that i don't speak about it or else i might get into trouble. It's 2 days to SYF. I am not sure how well we can do but i am accepting whatever results that we are going to achieve. To be honest, what i think is that we are both equally responsible for the quality of the choir now. On our part, we did not do our best, there wasn't a clear leader and sectionals weren't put into place to ensure that we are technically firm. However, on her part, she focused on us only at a very late stage, she didn't know the score well before this and she was quite fickle-minded as she always didn't know what she really wanted. Despite all these, i still think that she is a very nice person and i love every single one of you in the choir.
The last thing that i find it interesting is my very second post. I was talking about getting the worst results in my life and was analyzing why did it occured. The funniest part was i said that i must change. And here i am, 6 months later, mourning over my poor results and letting my family, friends and teachers down. Have i changed? Everyone around me now is a smarter opponent. Why is this happening? I reflected on it and the major reason that i can think of is that i am no longer thinking. I couldn't remember when but i had acquired this attitude of seeing thinking as labourous chore and i should just avoid any occasion that requires it. This is probably why i couldn't analyse things properly nowadays. I am no longer conscious. This explains why i am constantly making the wrong choices lately.
Okay, apart from all that i have said above, my main point for this post is to tell everyone of you that this is all going to end right at this post and i mean it! yeah!
I think it's really time for some reflection.
First thing, time flies. Everything in my blog is still fresh in my memory as though they have just happened yesterday but the truth is more than half a year have passed. Wow!
Next, i find that my english is ineffably poor. I feel so embarassed when i am reading my own blog :( please help me, i want to improve!
Also, i notice that i seldom capture the joyous moments of my life in the blog and on the contrary full of emo posts. So, from now on i'm going to change this.
Other than these, i also realise that i seldom talk about my choir. For a simple reason, my conductor does not like people to talk about it in blog. I love the choir as much as i hate it. So, it's only wise that i don't speak about it or else i might get into trouble. It's 2 days to SYF. I am not sure how well we can do but i am accepting whatever results that we are going to achieve. To be honest, what i think is that we are both equally responsible for the quality of the choir now. On our part, we did not do our best, there wasn't a clear leader and sectionals weren't put into place to ensure that we are technically firm. However, on her part, she focused on us only at a very late stage, she didn't know the score well before this and she was quite fickle-minded as she always didn't know what she really wanted. Despite all these, i still think that she is a very nice person and i love every single one of you in the choir.
The last thing that i find it interesting is my very second post. I was talking about getting the worst results in my life and was analyzing why did it occured. The funniest part was i said that i must change. And here i am, 6 months later, mourning over my poor results and letting my family, friends and teachers down. Have i changed? Everyone around me now is a smarter opponent. Why is this happening? I reflected on it and the major reason that i can think of is that i am no longer thinking. I couldn't remember when but i had acquired this attitude of seeing thinking as labourous chore and i should just avoid any occasion that requires it. This is probably why i couldn't analyse things properly nowadays. I am no longer conscious. This explains why i am constantly making the wrong choices lately.
Okay, apart from all that i have said above, my main point for this post is to tell everyone of you that this is all going to end right at this post and i mean it! yeah!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Managed to get LooTing, ZhiTao, JonLoong, HueyJeen and Wilfred to watch a movie together today.
We watched X-men origins: Wolverine
Fortunately, it was nice!
I was still worrying whether it will be a waste of time as i am the kind of person who is quite particular when it comes to watching movie.
I don't like to spend time watching crap.
I was especially touched by his love story.
I shall not spoil anyone of you.
Go watch it and you will understand.
I didn't really like the ending because it was like everything that shaped wolverine into who he is now has gone into waste.
It feels as if everything has never happened before.
But no choice, it has to be that way so that it can be linked to X-men 1.
Apart from this, there were a few more touching scenes involving his brother as well as an elderly couple.
Of course, not to mention that there were many other cool moments and you get to watch the super hot hugh jackman.
So, go and watch it because i don't anyhow praise a superhero movie.
Talking about superhero movies, ironman and punisher 1 are the nice ones that i would recommend to you all if you all are interested.
Here is the trailer:I think the movie itself is a lot better than the trailer.
Managed to get LooTing, ZhiTao, JonLoong, HueyJeen and Wilfred to watch a movie together today.
We watched X-men origins: Wolverine

I was still worrying whether it will be a waste of time as i am the kind of person who is quite particular when it comes to watching movie.
I don't like to spend time watching crap.
I was especially touched by his love story.
I shall not spoil anyone of you.
Go watch it and you will understand.
I didn't really like the ending because it was like everything that shaped wolverine into who he is now has gone into waste.
It feels as if everything has never happened before.
But no choice, it has to be that way so that it can be linked to X-men 1.
Apart from this, there were a few more touching scenes involving his brother as well as an elderly couple.
Of course, not to mention that there were many other cool moments and you get to watch the super hot hugh jackman.
So, go and watch it because i don't anyhow praise a superhero movie.
Talking about superhero movies, ironman and punisher 1 are the nice ones that i would recommend to you all if you all are interested.
Here is the trailer:I think the movie itself is a lot better than the trailer.
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