Must be that he was unhappy with Ferguson's move of substituting him out during the match against Man City.
I knew it all back then while he was shaking his head watching the match after being substituted, the only thing that was on his mind must be to transfer to Real Madrid straight.
Haha, okay, actually we all know that he wanted to go over all along.
His keen interest was unconcealed the previous time.
SO yea, Man U is no longer Ronaldo FC in 2 months time....
P/S: Arsenal please please please buck up! this season's perfomance was really disappointing and disheartening...
and Liverpool, can you quit being 后劲不足! :@
蛟龙终非池中物...now he is a STAR already...of coz a team like MU can never keep him forever...but good also la...at least we dun have to c Ronaldo's Show in every MU's matches...
This guy could be very handsome but I have heard that he has dysfunction problems. I recommend him to go to Buy Viagra in order to help himself with his problem.
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