but i've no time to blog about it now
will update as soon as possible
MJ i'll always miss you
Well, i finally have the time and mood to blog
Just endured a week of block tests
Left with Chemistry paper1&2
It's on Wednesday, so i practically have 4 days off
Okay, back to what i am supposed to blog about
Why am i so miserable on this day back then

2) I got back my SAT results and it was not up to my expectation.
Although it wasn't really bad considering this was my first time taking it, not to mention without much preparation, i was quite quite disappointed with myself because i knew i could do better. So what now? Do i just accept the result gracefully or work harder and try taking it once more? haih...
3) It was so near to exams and i knew that i would not be able to finish studying everything in time. This naturally signified that i was going to underperform for a second time in block tests and it was totally against what i had vowed to achieve.
Why why why? I'm just an individual who are incapable of self-discupline, am i?
4) Shockingly, Michael Jackson had just passed away so suddenly. My heart nearly skipped a beat when i heard that. It's really a great lost to the world. Extremely talented he was, undeniably, or else he wouldn't be so successful. Exceedingly successul. My heart goes out to all his family members and all his fans who are also affected by his death. He's now in a better place.

1 comment:
you'r right I love mj he is in my heart always
I Love you MJ
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