Nothing special happened for my Christmas this year.
I spent the night with my family members,
enjoying the cheese cake that my mom made.I feel like i'm just rotting at home.
I want to do something special yet i have nobody to do with.
Even so, i think i have not much time left to slack as work is creeping near.
I have to start
2)learn driving
3)get a job
4)prepare for school.
I didn't want to start school so early.
It's a little bit stressful because everything seems so rushed.
but i guess it's not really that bad since it hinders me from slacking further.
I received conditional offer by IMU and school is starting on 22Feb.
Apart from worrying that my actual results might not meet their requirements, i now have to start sending them the necessary documents and get immunized for whatever diseases that they stated.
Worst thing is that i don't think i'll be able to get my driving license very soon and my mom would not be able to fetch me since she has to fetch my brother and sisters...
How do i attend school then?
Should i apply to stay in the hostel?
but once my application is accepted, i would have to stay at the hostel for at least 1 semester..
Should i wait for the semester 1 timetable to be out first?
but by then it might be too late for me to secure a place at the hostel...
Sian, how i wish i could drive..
Anyway, i am still free now and i'm going to enjoy the holiday that i have left.
Anybody wants to hang out???
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
New Plans
Finally done with IELTS.
Please give me a >8.0 or i will really suffer in hell.
I'm now officially free
and i'm going to start chasing my dreams,
turning back into who i really was.
I should stop slacking and waiting,
and start working towards what i really want.
Baby, wait for me!
I swear i'll come for you!
This is my 100th post.
A new start.
Please give me a >8.0 or i will really suffer in hell.
I'm now officially free
and i'm going to start chasing my dreams,
turning back into who i really was.
I should stop slacking and waiting,
and start working towards what i really want.
Baby, wait for me!
I swear i'll come for you!
This is my 100th post.
A new start.
Monday, December 14, 2009
My Hair
Okay, so what happened was this.
I went to a saloon which i should not name it.
Then i was attended by this sissy hairstylist.
Apparently their hairstylists are categorized into the "hairstylist" as well as the "CREATIVE hairstylist" and the latter being more expensive of course.
So i was wondering what's the difference? is it that the "hairstylists" aren't creative? =.=
Erm, not so, i opted for a "hairstylist" and he appeared quite creative...
I told him that i wanted to cut my hair for prom and asked him if he has any suggestion.
And this was what he did.
As he was cutting my hair, he suddenly shaved off one of my sideburns completely and murmured with his gay voice, "No side burn please, side burn is like so old-fashioned!"
Then in my head i was like "OMG, WTH, i want my side burns!!!T.T"
And no choice, one side gone, kiss goodbye to the other side...
Shouldn't he has the courtesy to just ask me whether i want my sideburns murdered before he actually shaves it off?!!
Okay, fine with this. Then i let him continue with his "masterpiece".
When it is almost done, i thought =.= it's just the same hairstyle as his.
and there came the scary part.
his gay voice is heard again, "and this is my personal favourite.."
I wasn't wearing my glasses and i couldn't see what exactly was he doing at one of my side but i did sensed that something is wrong.
Oh ya, and before that he even asked me, "Do you like fashion?"
I replied, "err, yeeaaa..."
then he said "really?!!" followed by a gay laughter.
OMG, i can't stand it.
And when i looked into the mirror after i put on my glasses, TA-DA, wonderful! he tatooed lines on it. "impressive" isn't it?
He even tried to persuade me to dye my hair, but it would cost S$100 over and so i rejected.
My friends were there laughing their lungs out and i couldn't bear to scold that "not creative hairstylist" since i didn't specify what i wanted in the first place. so yea...
What is worse, he even said, "you walk out now and people see you, they would want to cut here".
.....personal favourite, arghhhh!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hihi my sexy blog!
I'm finally back.
Do you miss me?
I miss you so much!
I believe we have a huge gap to catch up with one another,
but i'm really very lazy to fill in the blanks,
so i will just tell you whatever i recall as i blog.
No guarantee that i can remember everything that i have done while i'm not at home but i promise i'll try my best.
First of all, i'm back in Malaysia
and this time it's for long
because i have already graduated from my junior college
and next step is probably studying in Malaysia.
Okay, suddenly i feel that i miss Singapore a lot,
like i have never felt this way before.
These were the things that i brought back to Malaysia on the last day that i was allowed to stay in HCIBS.
And you want to know how superman i was?
I brought all these back alone
and by bus.
So, you ought to be feeling remorseful now if you have contributed to all the weight that i have to carry :P
I feel surprised even thinking about it now.
How was it possible?
I don't know. i just did it.
I bet the custom officers as well as the cab and bus driver would remember me forever.
What a crazy fellow.
But too bad, they won't get to see me bringing so much stuff back to Malaysia ever again.
My friends in Singapore, don't worry, this does not mean that i will never ever go over to Singapore and visit all of you. I will.
Next, A level's is finally over.
Although my last paper was on the 3rd of December, frankly speaking, in my heart it was already over after my second last paper on the 23rd of November.
I seriously don't understand why they want to make us suffer by arranging such "wonderful" schedule.
Anyway, i thought A level's was quite manageable, in fact way easier than our school's prelims.
Eh, all i hope for now is that i will be able to get a decent grade for GP.
Post A level's was fun.
I went shopping everyday from day till night all around Singapore.
And you can see christmas trees everywhere.

inner view of the christmas tree.
What else did i do?
I went botanical garden for a walk one of the nights with two of my friends.
Then I attended the graduation prom also.
Lazy to talk about it.
The next day i sent ChengKiat to the airport before going karaoke with 单身贵族帮 and finally went to sim lim to buy a 1 terabyte external harddisk and then went island creamery to have a mud pie slice.
Of course, the next day i came back here to Malaysia.
Okay, actually i'm very tired now.
I think i should go to sleep.
The rest i will update tomorrow.
Oh yea, next post i will talk about how i got my new haircut.
i tatooed lines on one side.....
I'm finally back.
Do you miss me?
I miss you so much!
I believe we have a huge gap to catch up with one another,
but i'm really very lazy to fill in the blanks,
so i will just tell you whatever i recall as i blog.
No guarantee that i can remember everything that i have done while i'm not at home but i promise i'll try my best.
First of all, i'm back in Malaysia
and this time it's for long
because i have already graduated from my junior college
and next step is probably studying in Malaysia.
Okay, suddenly i feel that i miss Singapore a lot,
like i have never felt this way before.
And you want to know how superman i was?
I brought all these back alone
and by bus.
So, you ought to be feeling remorseful now if you have contributed to all the weight that i have to carry :P
I feel surprised even thinking about it now.
How was it possible?
I don't know. i just did it.
I bet the custom officers as well as the cab and bus driver would remember me forever.
What a crazy fellow.
But too bad, they won't get to see me bringing so much stuff back to Malaysia ever again.
My friends in Singapore, don't worry, this does not mean that i will never ever go over to Singapore and visit all of you. I will.
Next, A level's is finally over.
Although my last paper was on the 3rd of December, frankly speaking, in my heart it was already over after my second last paper on the 23rd of November.
I seriously don't understand why they want to make us suffer by arranging such "wonderful" schedule.
Anyway, i thought A level's was quite manageable, in fact way easier than our school's prelims.
Eh, all i hope for now is that i will be able to get a decent grade for GP.
Post A level's was fun.
I went shopping everyday from day till night all around Singapore.
And you can see christmas trees everywhere.
What else did i do?
I went botanical garden for a walk one of the nights with two of my friends.
Then I attended the graduation prom also.
Lazy to talk about it.
The next day i sent ChengKiat to the airport before going karaoke with 单身贵族帮 and finally went to sim lim to buy a 1 terabyte external harddisk and then went island creamery to have a mud pie slice.
Of course, the next day i came back here to Malaysia.
Okay, actually i'm very tired now.
I think i should go to sleep.
The rest i will update tomorrow.
Oh yea, next post i will talk about how i got my new haircut.
i tatooed lines on one side.....
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
End of Prelims
Yesterday marked the end of prelims.
Took the last paper which is Chemistry paper 1.
Really don't want to talk about it.
Not even want to think about it.
Never have i felt so screwed up for paper 1.
Staright away after the paper, i went back to boarding school to shower and play a bit of guitar before joining three of my friends on the 单身贵族 outing.
Although the outing is named this way, i am quite suspicious with all of their status.
I am probably the only one remaining single :P
We went to ION Orchard after eating BK since we have never really visited there before.
These are the three people i went with.
They are about the height as seemed to me.
I think the can form 1XX Club using their height.
After that, we went to watch a movie.
Inglourious Basterds.
It's M18. After watching it, i could understand why they rated it M18.
Some of the scenes were really gory.
Besides, it's still a nice movie.
I enjoyed the humour they put in the movie.
I think Brad Pitt's acting is remarkable. Loved it.
Each chapters in the movie are interestingly plotted.
In the evening, we came back and boarded the bus to the scholars' farewell dinner.
Seafood steamboat sponsored by school.
It was quite a memorable night, at least for HueyJeen i guess.
We sang a bit of Karaoke there before heading back to boarding school.
This is still not the end of our post prelims celebration.
After that, we played bridge until around 3am as if we have no school the next day.
Wheee, it has really been a long time since i really played without any burden.
Enjoyed myself to the fullest!
Prelims are over and i seriously have no idea what to do now.
Took the last paper which is Chemistry paper 1.
Really don't want to talk about it.
Not even want to think about it.
Never have i felt so screwed up for paper 1.
Staright away after the paper, i went back to boarding school to shower and play a bit of guitar before joining three of my friends on the 单身
Although the outing is named this way, i am quite suspicious with all of their status.
I am probably the only one remaining single :P
They are about the height as seemed to me.
I think the can form 1XX Club using their height.

It's M18. After watching it, i could understand why they rated it M18.
Some of the scenes were really gory.
Besides, it's still a nice movie.

I think Brad Pitt's acting is remarkable. Loved it.
Each chapters in the movie are interestingly plotted.
In the evening, we came back and boarded the bus to the scholars' farewell dinner.
Seafood steamboat sponsored by school.
It was quite a memorable night, at least for HueyJeen i guess.
We sang a bit of Karaoke there before heading back to boarding school.
This is still not the end of our post prelims celebration.
After that, we played bridge until around 3am as if we have no school the next day.
Wheee, it has really been a long time since i really played without any burden.
Enjoyed myself to the fullest!
Prelims are over and i seriously have no idea what to do now.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
eh, i remember saving this post on the correct date
but it turns out to be a day earlier
i think blogger has a different time setting
anyway, it's not a big problem
this post is to wish AndyLau
He was the reason why i started buying albums.
Apart from being talented and handsome,
i like him because he makes a good role model.
The stupid scandal of him lying about his marriage was a total crap.
I think there was nothing wrong for him to keep it secret.
He has a choice whether to announce it to the whole world.
but it turns out to be a day earlier
i think blogger has a different time setting
anyway, it's not a big problem
this post is to wish AndyLau

He was the reason why i started buying albums.
Apart from being talented and handsome,
i like him because he makes a good role model.
The stupid scandal of him lying about his marriage was a total crap.
I think there was nothing wrong for him to keep it secret.
He has a choice whether to announce it to the whole world.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
I really have no time to blog
yet i'm still blogging
in the middle of my prelims
Hmm...let's talk about how well have prelims gone
For every paper that i have taken so far,
none of them is satisfactory
I couldn't finish any of my papers
All of them have at least 20 to 50 marks left undone
and many of them are marks that can be easily secured
Why am i getting worse for every exam?
There is something wrong with me
and i don't know how to fix it
I should really work harder for my subsequent papers
in hope that they might pull my overall grade back to an A
Difficult but not impossible
Okay, what else?
I bought a secondhand phone from my friend
Shall start thinking of what handphone to invest on next
And hopefully this 2ndhand phone can last till i have enough money to buy my next phone
yet i'm still blogging
in the middle of my prelims
Hmm...let's talk about how well have prelims gone
For every paper that i have taken so far,
none of them is satisfactory
I couldn't finish any of my papers
All of them have at least 20 to 50 marks left undone
and many of them are marks that can be easily secured
Why am i getting worse for every exam?
There is something wrong with me
and i don't know how to fix it
I should really work harder for my subsequent papers
in hope that they might pull my overall grade back to an A
Difficult but not impossible
Okay, what else?
I bought a secondhand phone from my friend
Shall start thinking of what handphone to invest on next
And hopefully this 2ndhand phone can last till i have enough money to buy my next phone
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
oh nine oh nine oh nine
what a special day to remember huh?
Disney just bought over Marvel
Seriously, what is wrong with Disney?
i can still accept their acquisition of Pixar
but Marvel and Disney are of completely different style
I really cannot imagine how these two blend
All i hope for is that Marvel comic will not be suppressed
The world of entertainment is clearly shrinking
with a few big players dominating the entire market
As a result, we are losing the variety we once enjoyed
and certain uniqueness dies off along the way
what a special day to remember huh?
Disney just bought over Marvel
Seriously, what is wrong with Disney?
i can still accept their acquisition of Pixar
but Marvel and Disney are of completely different style
I really cannot imagine how these two blend
All i hope for is that Marvel comic will not be suppressed
The world of entertainment is clearly shrinking
with a few big players dominating the entire market
As a result, we are losing the variety we once enjoyed
and certain uniqueness dies off along the way
Monday, August 31, 2009
Okay, so what's going on here?
I'm competing with LooTing to see who is more patriotic!
Malaysia is 52 years old this year i guess.
I have not been really celebrating Hari Kebangsaan for years.
I love Malaysia!
but please don't ask me why
It is a lot easier for me to tell you why i hate her
Remove the few reasons why i hate her would be all the reasons why i love her so much <3
And to show how much i love her, i am gonna stop using my computer for a week.
Beat that, LooTing!
I must really post this up because i think Wenger is utterly funny:So what?! i still like him! 有个性!
We were the better team but lost the game.
Sorry Wenger, welcome to life...
You really have no idea how much your words mean to me.
For you,
I will study hard.
I'm competing with LooTing to see who is more patriotic!

I have not been really celebrating Hari Kebangsaan for years.

I love Malaysia!
but please don't ask me why
It is a lot easier for me to tell you why i hate her

And to show how much i love her, i am gonna stop using my computer for a week.
Beat that, LooTing!
I must really post this up because i think Wenger is utterly funny:So what?! i still like him! 有个性!
We were the better team but lost the game.
Sorry Wenger, welcome to life...
You really have no idea how much your words mean to me.
For you,
I will study hard.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Clock's ticking

Those who watched it will understand what i am saying
I really don't know what to say
Just hope that this will not hit hard on Arsenal's morale
Prelims are starting in less than a week
I think i should really settle down and study
No idea how i'm going to force myself into it
but it's just going to happen

but sadly he is no longer alive
still, happy birthday
My greatest idol AndyLau has finally announced his relationship with Carole Chu to the public

but seriously, can the media please spare them some privacy
What's wrong with Andy Lau having girlfriend?
Why must they make it like the greatest discovery of the century?
I think it's really not easy being the woman behind such a successful man
and also for a superstar to protect his family from the disturbance of media
Wish them all the best!
Lastly, i would like to recommend 2 movies that i watched recently
1) Gattaca

I don't really enjoy science fiction movies
but this one strikes an impression on me
because it includes strong emotions in it
I think a good science fiction movie
especially those dealing with ethical issues
should convey more of the emotions involved
Another sci fi movie that i appreciate is Artificial Intelligence
Watch both the movies if you want to know what i am talking about
2) RockNRolla

It's by my favourite director Guy Ritchie
This movie is relatively easier to understand
I like the way the movie is done
Very artistic
If you like stories about how things work in the underworld,
try this movie!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I don't like you
Past weeks have been really hectic
Initially i thought i could rejuvenate after sleeping for the entire national day make up holiday
then there came all the work
There wasn't a day without bio homework
All i could remember is that i was doing bio homework till late night everyday
leaving me with less than 4 hours of rest per day
And my pimples are flourishing as if i applied fertilizers
Of course, homework wasn't the sole reason why i was sleeping late
My indulgence in playing guitar and mousehunt took up most of my time
I was so busy that i even forgot my sister's birthday on the 12 of August
I am so so so sorry
I will make it up in whatever way that i could in the future
Okay, here's something funny to share
[facebook conversation]
wensen: reply this to receive a surprise
yihang: "this"
wensen: "surprise"
i thought i was lame enough but this guy was lamer
Next, congratulations to Arsenal
for their dominating performance of 6-1 against EvertonIt's really a good start to EPL.
Besides, they have also won their first match in champions league.
2-0 Celtic.
I think Arsene Wenger is a daring, visionary and generous manager.
He said he has a project to be completed and that's why he rejected moving over to real madrid.
I really hope he can see some results this season.
Lastly, i am addicted to Eminem
I used to dislike him and never really listened to his songs
because i think his songs are too noisy and vulgar
Strangely, i started to appreciate him lately after paying attention to his songs
One thing i must say is that he is really very talented
His rapping style is one of a kind
and i realised that he is actually the producer of many albums by other rappers
Slim Shady
Initially i thought i could rejuvenate after sleeping for the entire national day make up holiday
then there came all the work
There wasn't a day without bio homework
All i could remember is that i was doing bio homework till late night everyday
leaving me with less than 4 hours of rest per day
And my pimples are flourishing as if i applied fertilizers
Of course, homework wasn't the sole reason why i was sleeping late
My indulgence in playing guitar and mousehunt took up most of my time
I was so busy that i even forgot my sister's birthday on the 12 of August
I am so so so sorry
I will make it up in whatever way that i could in the future
Okay, here's something funny to share
[facebook conversation]
wensen: reply this to receive a surprise
yihang: "this"
wensen: "surprise"
i thought i was lame enough but this guy was lamer
Next, congratulations to Arsenal
for their dominating performance of 6-1 against EvertonIt's really a good start to EPL.
Besides, they have also won their first match in champions league.
2-0 Celtic.
I think Arsene Wenger is a daring, visionary and generous manager.

I really hope he can see some results this season.
Lastly, i am addicted to Eminem

because i think his songs are too noisy and vulgar
Strangely, i started to appreciate him lately after paying attention to his songs
One thing i must say is that he is really very talented
His rapping style is one of a kind
and i realised that he is actually the producer of many albums by other rappers
Slim Shady
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
11 August
posted on 18/8:
I like this post
and i am sure YuRong will like it MORE
Let me first start off by saying
Don't they just look alike?
Mr. Fedriksen is a character of this animated film by pixar
This movie is very nice
because I SAID SO!
but seriously, cross my heart, it's worth watching
although i still think it's better to buy the DVD than watching in cinema
I watched it with my class after Sg national day celebration
Kind of regretted that i didn't watch the 3D version..
I like this post
and i am sure YuRong will like it MORE
Let me first start off by saying
Happy Birthday
to YuRong a.k.a Mr Fedriksen
Mr. Fedriksen is a character of this animated film by pixar

This movie is very nice
because I SAID SO!
but seriously, cross my heart, it's worth watching
although i still think it's better to buy the DVD than watching in cinema
I watched it with my class after Sg national day celebration
Kind of regretted that i didn't watch the 3D version..
Friday, August 7, 2009
7 August
posted on 18/8:
I always wanted to update my blog
but failed all the time
because i wasted a lot of time doing something else
and in the end i had to rush my homework instead
As a result, i saved a lot of empty drafts with different dates
Okay, so what happened on this day?
I think this picture looks very cool
I accidentally took it while i was testing out the camera effects when i first bought my k810i
He looks like some kind of psycho!
Hmm...okay, i should end this post here.
I probably had much more that i wanted to blog about back then
but i really couldn't remember what were they
so too bad..
I always wanted to update my blog
but failed all the time
because i wasted a lot of time doing something else
and in the end i had to rush my homework instead
As a result, i saved a lot of empty drafts with different dates
Okay, so what happened on this day?
Happy Birthday LooTing!
I accidentally took it while i was testing out the camera effects when i first bought my k810i
He looks like some kind of psycho!
Hmm...okay, i should end this post here.
I probably had much more that i wanted to blog about back then
but i really couldn't remember what were they
so too bad..
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wooh! yesterday i made my first contribution to the society at the age of 18
I used to think that i don't want to grow up so quickly
because once i'm considered an adult
i'll be stripped of many privileges
That's quite true
but you do gain certain freedom at the same time
Just yesterday, the day after my birthday
there was a blood donation drive in my school
I only knew of the event on the day itself
They had it at the start of the year as well
and similarly, i only noticed it on that day
but what was different is that
i had to print out a consent form
and look for my guardian to sign it
so in the end i didn't make it through the donation
whereas this time, muahaha, i don't need anyone's consent
so i just went there right after my lessons ended
and proceeded with the blood donation
I felt so lucky that my birthday was just the day before
It was my first time so it appeared quite exciting!
I think being an adult means that you should start giving back to the society.
I used to think that i don't want to grow up so quickly
because once i'm considered an adult
i'll be stripped of many privileges
That's quite true
but you do gain certain freedom at the same time
Just yesterday, the day after my birthday
there was a blood donation drive in my school
I only knew of the event on the day itself
They had it at the start of the year as well
and similarly, i only noticed it on that day
but what was different is that
i had to print out a consent form
and look for my guardian to sign it
so in the end i didn't make it through the donation
whereas this time, muahaha, i don't need anyone's consent
so i just went there right after my lessons ended
and proceeded with the blood donation
I felt so lucky that my birthday was just the day before
It was my first time so it appeared quite exciting!
I think being an adult means that you should start giving back to the society.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The ComeBack
Once again, i didn't do well for my block tests
I felt very bad
because many of my teachers had come to me
and all that they were saying to me was
"you could have done well easily
what happen to you?"
and then they would ask "are you encountering this problem that problem..."
Why couldn't they just scold me for not working hard enough?!
because that would make me feel a lot better...
So what do all these mean?
It means that I'm going to START STUDYING!
I don't know if you would agree with me
but i think it's still not too late
I'm not going to let my teachers down again
otherwise i really don't deserve to have such good teachers
Also, for the sake of my own future,
there is no reason why i should slack anymore
So, please forgive me if i'm not updating my blog very often
as that will really save me quite some time
July 29
My birthday
First of all, i would like to thank LooTing, JiaJun and ZhiTao
for their birthday performance for me at 12am
Although both the guitarist and the singer were out of tune
i really did appreciate what you guys had done for me
I love the card also (:
Thank you so much!
Next, thank you to everyone else that had sent me birthday wishes
My famiily, my classmates, my friends...
I love all of you!
There is one person that i would like to specially mention
She is Jaci
It really surprised me that she could still remember my birthday
I was so touched by that
and i promise i will never forget her birthday!
I felt very bad
because many of my teachers had come to me
and all that they were saying to me was
"you could have done well easily
what happen to you?"
and then they would ask "are you encountering this problem that problem..."
Why couldn't they just scold me for not working hard enough?!
because that would make me feel a lot better...
So what do all these mean?
It means that I'm going to START STUDYING!
but i think it's still not too late
I'm not going to let my teachers down again
otherwise i really don't deserve to have such good teachers
Also, for the sake of my own future,
there is no reason why i should slack anymore
So, please forgive me if i'm not updating my blog very often
as that will really save me quite some time
July 29
My birthday
First of all, i would like to thank LooTing, JiaJun and ZhiTao
for their birthday performance for me at 12am
Although both the guitarist and the singer were out of tune
i really did appreciate what you guys had done for me
I love the card also (:
Thank you so much!
Next, thank you to everyone else that had sent me birthday wishes
My famiily, my classmates, my friends...
I love all of you!
There is one person that i would like to specially mention
She is Jaci
It really surprised me that she could still remember my birthday
I was so touched by that
and i promise i will never forget her birthday!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sound The Horn
- Got back my bio paper
let's not talk about how i did
because it's just too disheartening
All that i know is deja vu.
After school, i went to cut my hair at coro
It's a 2 month-old new salon
It made me even more depressed
because the haircut was like shit
And worse, it's going to appear in the yearbook
since my class is retaking the class photo on Monday
T.T i don't want to go to school
You know what, the hairdresser even gave me a few vouchers
and asked me to invite my friends there to cut
Eh please! you want to commit evildoings don't drag me along
Go and retrain yourself please
At 6.00pm, i went to Shodoku at Heeren for JuniorsTreatSeniors
It was quite fun
because yurong and i ate S$30 worth of food each
I must first say a big thank you to Dominic
whom we suspect had secretively gone to watch movie with Heather
and therefore both of them "conincidentally" unable to go for the JTS
so we could take his share ^.-
Hmm, so what did we have?
We both ordered ribs
It was pork and it took me quite some effort to finish it
then we ordered 2 big plates of vege and mushroom
By the time we were finishing it, we were already extremely full
and completely bored of the food...
Lastly, we had a pancake with banana and chocolate on it
and it was super tasty i assure you
For drinks, we also had 2 overpriced coca cola
Even now i can feel that the food is still being digested in my stomach
I think it can last me the entire day
Oh, and the guys from my class started this funny idea
now, all the guys in my class are known as Baking Boys
with 队长 - 豆沙
i think yurong's name is the cutest - 蛋挞
We got so high during JTS and we sang all the lame songs
like pokemon, digmon.....(remix)
Bryan was teased for his shirt again
not the camera shirt this time
but some weird "all things are one" shirt
I reached boarding school at 11pm
Took a shower
Mousehunt for a while
then started watching Slumdog Millionaire
I always wanted to watch it
but always had a reason not to
It was quite nice
I like the story and the slums
It's quite enlightening i must say
By the time i finished the movie,
it's already 3+am
- Couldn't wake up for breakfast in the morning
but i wasn't hungry anyway
the food is still in my stomach
Woke up at 9am and went Lido to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
We watched the 11am slot at lido 4
Should have watched the 10.30 instead because it's in lido classic
The seats in lido 4 were so uncomfortable!
I fell asleep half way through the movie
Too tired
or maybe i just don't like this kind of movies
I think the movie's indeed not very nice
Had a msn convo with ShiHuan
He finally came online
He complained that i told him to go online but had nothing to say to him
So you know how 无聊 we were
He said he's a quiet person and i said i'm shy
He then taught me how to say i love you in Tamil
I wonder where he learnt it from
Maybe he has an indian girlfriend that he is not telling us
After that, we started making emo sentences
like those that he always posted on facebook
and said that they're what "sudden inspirations"
These are some of the "sudden inspirations" we had:
(this one is sweet. i think it's the way you would feel when you are deeply in love with someone)
(this one i like it very much personally)
Although the sentences are just so so
but given that it's impromtu
i think it's very good already
I have told ShiHuan that i'm going to compete with him on facebook
in "sudden inspirations"
Let's see whose posts are more emo
Malaysia vs Man UMalaysia's goals are quite cool :)
They are going to have another match on Monday
because Man U's match in Jakarta is cancelled
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's NOT right!
Whee! KennSiang just threw me a KitKat.
I wonder when was the last time a had KitKat.
It tasted extremely nice but my favourite is still TimTam (:
Got a stupid demerit for late-coming today
It's funny to even think about it.
They told us that we are not having flag-raising in the morning as a H1N1 preventive measure
By common sense, it naturally means that we can go to school later
It was the practice all along
What's the matter as long as we reach school before 7.50am for the first lesson?
However, to my surprise, she said she was instructed to "hunt" for the scholars who arrive at school later that 7.30am
WOW, impressive man.
what should i say? Bravo! you had a wonderful yield today.
she caught 100 to 200 scholars this morning
How astonishing! Why so sudden? No warning at all?
I didn't even notice that i was actually breaking the "school rule"
I bet many of the other scholars were the same
otherwise she wouldn't have had such a "huge success"
So, why doing this instead of telling us that we have to come to school before 7.30am?
Is that the way of doing things?
because that's exactly the message that the school is sending to ths students
What disgusted me more was that my local friends told me that they came at 7.45am but they weren't caught for late-coming
So what's this now?
They purposely targeted on the scholars?
I simply think that they are making a fool of themselves.
Speaking of my boarding school, it's worse.
We already have a confirmed case of H1N1.
The person's just staying a level above me
He uses the same elevator that i use everyday
And yet, the boarding school isn't alerting the boarders of this
why is this so? what are you people waiting for?
are you going to wait until the entire block gets infected?
It's weird how they manage situation like this.
Okay, enough of these.
I bought the "mugger handbook" of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.
All because i lost to peer pressure!
All the guys in my class bought it.
It's S$6!!!
Apart form the fact that it's overpriced, I am quite worry that my "investment" will go into waste since there is a high possibility that i will not read the booklet and just put it on my shelf to collect dust
Arghh...hopefully i will not
BECAUSE the opportunity cost is an absolutely mesmerizing cup of starbucks coffee ):
I watched this movie yesterday:
The Notebook
you seriously must watch this if you are a fan of romance
the plot is super nice!
I would say that this is classic!
To ShiHuan:
I don't want to play with you anymore.
There is no fun playing a game that the opponent has absolute advantage in.
They call me sneaky, that's not my name! :@
I wonder when was the last time a had KitKat.
It tasted extremely nice but my favourite is still TimTam (:
Got a stupid demerit for late-coming today
It's funny to even think about it.
They told us that we are not having flag-raising in the morning as a H1N1 preventive measure
By common sense, it naturally means that we can go to school later
It was the practice all along
What's the matter as long as we reach school before 7.50am for the first lesson?
However, to my surprise, she said she was instructed to "hunt" for the scholars who arrive at school later that 7.30am
WOW, impressive man.
what should i say? Bravo! you had a wonderful yield today.
she caught 100 to 200 scholars this morning
How astonishing! Why so sudden? No warning at all?
I didn't even notice that i was actually breaking the "school rule"
I bet many of the other scholars were the same
otherwise she wouldn't have had such a "huge success"
So, why doing this instead of telling us that we have to come to school before 7.30am?
Is that the way of doing things?
because that's exactly the message that the school is sending to ths students
What disgusted me more was that my local friends told me that they came at 7.45am but they weren't caught for late-coming
So what's this now?
They purposely targeted on the scholars?
I simply think that they are making a fool of themselves.
Speaking of my boarding school, it's worse.
We already have a confirmed case of H1N1.
The person's just staying a level above me
He uses the same elevator that i use everyday
And yet, the boarding school isn't alerting the boarders of this
why is this so? what are you people waiting for?
are you going to wait until the entire block gets infected?
It's weird how they manage situation like this.
Okay, enough of these.
I bought the "mugger handbook" of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.
All because i lost to peer pressure!
All the guys in my class bought it.
It's S$6!!!
Apart form the fact that it's overpriced, I am quite worry that my "investment" will go into waste since there is a high possibility that i will not read the booklet and just put it on my shelf to collect dust
Arghh...hopefully i will not
BECAUSE the opportunity cost is an absolutely mesmerizing cup of starbucks coffee ):
I watched this movie yesterday:

you seriously must watch this if you are a fan of romance
the plot is super nice!
I would say that this is classic!
To ShiHuan:
I don't want to play with you anymore.
There is no fun playing a game that the opponent has absolute advantage in.
They call me sneaky, that's not my name! :@
Monday, July 13, 2009
OMG, i finally found someone who thinks the same way i thought!
LaToya Jackson believes that her brother Michael Jackson was murdered for his money in a conspiracy by shadowy hangers-on.
This was exactly the theory that i told JiaJun right when i was back in Singapore 2 days after Michael's death.
What came into my mind straight after i heard about his death was that it's too well-timed.
The immediate disappearance of his personal doctor further raised my suspicion.
Indeed, I agree that Micheal worth more dead than alive.
《我要快乐》- 张惠妹
LaToya Jackson believes that her brother Michael Jackson was murdered for his money in a conspiracy by shadowy hangers-on.
This was exactly the theory that i told JiaJun right when i was back in Singapore 2 days after Michael's death.
What came into my mind straight after i heard about his death was that it's too well-timed.
The immediate disappearance of his personal doctor further raised my suspicion.
Indeed, I agree that Micheal worth more dead than alive.
"I believe Michael was murdered," LaToya said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people. He was surrounded by a bad circle. Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that. People fought to be close to him, people who weren’t always on his side." "I am going to get down to the bottom of this," she added. "I am not going to stop until I find out who is responsible. Why did they keep the family away? It’s not about money. I want justice for Michael. I won’t rest until I find out what -- and who -- killed my brother." |
《我要快乐》- 张惠妹
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Stop Existing and Start Living
I just watched MichaelJackson's memorial.
It made me cried like crazy.
I really want to salute Michael Jackson once again
and this time, not for the talent that he had impressed on us
but for being such a great humanitarian.
He was magnanimous.
He had a big heart and had never stopped giving.
He saw things with his heart.
He was pure, honest and caring.
His music is starting to make more and more sense to me.
From now on, i must make that change,
living what the man really meant with his music
and making his life worth living.
Finally completed block tests 2.
Chemistry papers 1&2 were okay
although i didn't managed to finish both the papers.
Have to improve on time management next time.
I'm quite happy at the moment. Yeah man!
It made me cried like crazy.
I really want to salute Michael Jackson once again
and this time, not for the talent that he had impressed on us
but for being such a great humanitarian.
He was magnanimous.
He had a big heart and had never stopped giving.
He saw things with his heart.
He was pure, honest and caring.
His music is starting to make more and more sense to me.
From now on, i must make that change,
living what the man really meant with his music
and making his life worth living.
Finally completed block tests 2.
Chemistry papers 1&2 were okay
although i didn't managed to finish both the papers.
Have to improve on time management next time.
I'm quite happy at the moment. Yeah man!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
What's next?
OMG i just saw michael jackson's "this is it" rehersal footage.
It's evident that he put in a lot of effort to make the concert a fantastic one for his fans. wasted! Why is life so unfair?
It really makes me want to cry.
It's just one day after my last paper for last week and i have watched 4 movies in total - 保持通话(Connected), Night at The Musuem 2, 赤壁(Red Cliff)1 & 2.
赤壁1 & 2 lone took my about 6 hours. Nice man.
Regarding my block tests, i am not doing well.
I feel so sorry to disappoint my teachers again.
GP was difficult. Hopefully i can pass. Not likely though.
Econs was a mess. Usually when i get this kind of feeling after the test, my grade is not going to turn out nice.
Bio was all my fault. I left some of the topics unrevised and how unlucky they appeared on the essay section.
Math was the only one that i could score an A for consolation but i lost it already because i did the test very slowly and in the end i left out sufficient marks to deny myself of an A.
Chem is my only hope now. I still have 3 days before taking Chemistry paper1&2. I must get an A for this to regain some self-worth.
Argh...when would i start getting back to normal?!!!
It getting very near to A lvls already.
Must peak at the right time!
In search of an ordinary life, i realise that i don't like to be an ordinary person. Not at all and this is it!
Enough said, let me introduce some songs :)
I have been listening to the radio over the holidays, so i am quite updated now.
1) 天后 - 陈势安
i know there are better voices than his but i think his voice is good enough for the song. I just wouldn't get bored listening to this song repeatedly. For your information, his album isn't out yet.
2) 如果我变成回忆 - Tank
3) 寂寞先生 - 曹格
Sorry, i don't like his latest album "Supermarket". I will to listen to the album again soon. This is probably the best song in the album.
Lastly, i am very obsessed with this song lately
Unbreakable - WestlifeWeatlife's MVs are always very elegantly filmed.
This MV is quite touching.
Okay that's all for today.
I will have to readjust my biological clock.
Nowadays, i couldn't fall asleep at night and i couldn't stay awake in the afternoon.
Very disturbing.
It's evident that he put in a lot of effort to make the concert a fantastic one for his fans. wasted! Why is life so unfair?
It really makes me want to cry.
It's just one day after my last paper for last week and i have watched 4 movies in total - 保持通话(Connected), Night at The Musuem 2, 赤壁(Red Cliff)1 & 2.
赤壁1 & 2 lone took my about 6 hours. Nice man.
Regarding my block tests, i am not doing well.
I feel so sorry to disappoint my teachers again.
GP was difficult. Hopefully i can pass. Not likely though.
Econs was a mess. Usually when i get this kind of feeling after the test, my grade is not going to turn out nice.
Bio was all my fault. I left some of the topics unrevised and how unlucky they appeared on the essay section.
Math was the only one that i could score an A for consolation but i lost it already because i did the test very slowly and in the end i left out sufficient marks to deny myself of an A.
Chem is my only hope now. I still have 3 days before taking Chemistry paper1&2. I must get an A for this to regain some self-worth.
Argh...when would i start getting back to normal?!!!
It getting very near to A lvls already.
Must peak at the right time!
In search of an ordinary life, i realise that i don't like to be an ordinary person. Not at all and this is it!
Enough said, let me introduce some songs :)
I have been listening to the radio over the holidays, so i am quite updated now.
1) 天后 - 陈势安
i know there are better voices than his but i think his voice is good enough for the song. I just wouldn't get bored listening to this song repeatedly. For your information, his album isn't out yet.
2) 如果我变成回忆 - Tank
3) 寂寞先生 - 曹格
Sorry, i don't like his latest album "Supermarket". I will to listen to the album again soon. This is probably the best song in the album.
Lastly, i am very obsessed with this song lately
Unbreakable - WestlifeWeatlife's MVs are always very elegantly filmed.
This MV is quite touching.
Okay that's all for today.
I will have to readjust my biological clock.
Nowadays, i couldn't fall asleep at night and i couldn't stay awake in the afternoon.
Very disturbing.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Life Moves On
i'm very sad right now
but i've no time to blog about it now
will update as soon as possible
MJ i'll always miss you
Well, i finally have the time and mood to blog
Just endured a week of block tests
Left with Chemistry paper1&2
It's on Wednesday, so i practically have 4 days off
Okay, back to what i am supposed to blog about
Why am i so miserable on this day back then
Spain lost! and it's losing to USA. Their winning streak had so been ended. How could that happen? It shattered my heart :(
2) I got back my SAT results and it was not up to my expectation.
Although it wasn't really bad considering this was my first time taking it, not to mention without much preparation, i was quite quite disappointed with myself because i knew i could do better. So what now? Do i just accept the result gracefully or work harder and try taking it once more? haih...
3) It was so near to exams and i knew that i would not be able to finish studying everything in time. This naturally signified that i was going to underperform for a second time in block tests and it was totally against what i had vowed to achieve.
Why why why? I'm just an individual who are incapable of self-discupline, am i?
4) Shockingly, Michael Jackson had just passed away so suddenly. My heart nearly skipped a beat when i heard that. It's really a great lost to the world. Extremely talented he was, undeniably, or else he wouldn't be so successful. Exceedingly successul. My heart goes out to all his family members and all his fans who are also affected by his death. He's now in a better place.
He was the first person that i admired since i was young, after i watched his MV and concert at my grandma house. I could still remember i used to watch it using video tape because during that time VCDs weren't so popular or maybe VCD weren't even out yet. That was the first time i witnessed a concert that's so large in scale and with a "sea" of people. He was so stylish and i was utterly amazed by his moon walk at that time. I couldn't figure out how he did it. Everything seemed so magical.
Actually to think of it, he really did died at the right time. Although he still had an unaccomplished wish of doing his last concert "This Is It", we all know that his performace will not be as good as before and most probably one that's not up to standard. Now that he had left, he could bringing away with him all the glory and remained as a flawless legend in our hearts. No regrets. I just don't understand why geniuses always die young.
I think all his album and concert titles are super cool. Also, his music is all-time nice. His voice is one of its kind. My favourite MJ songs are BillieJean, YouAreNotAlone, Dangerous, DirtyDiana, ManInTheMirror and TheyDon'tCareAboutUs.
Michael Jackson, you will always be in my heart because you are unparalleled, unrivalled, unsurpassed.
but i've no time to blog about it now
will update as soon as possible
MJ i'll always miss you
Well, i finally have the time and mood to blog
Just endured a week of block tests
Left with Chemistry paper1&2
It's on Wednesday, so i practically have 4 days off
Okay, back to what i am supposed to blog about
Why am i so miserable on this day back then

2) I got back my SAT results and it was not up to my expectation.
Although it wasn't really bad considering this was my first time taking it, not to mention without much preparation, i was quite quite disappointed with myself because i knew i could do better. So what now? Do i just accept the result gracefully or work harder and try taking it once more? haih...
3) It was so near to exams and i knew that i would not be able to finish studying everything in time. This naturally signified that i was going to underperform for a second time in block tests and it was totally against what i had vowed to achieve.
Why why why? I'm just an individual who are incapable of self-discupline, am i?
4) Shockingly, Michael Jackson had just passed away so suddenly. My heart nearly skipped a beat when i heard that. It's really a great lost to the world. Extremely talented he was, undeniably, or else he wouldn't be so successful. Exceedingly successul. My heart goes out to all his family members and all his fans who are also affected by his death. He's now in a better place.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Normal Day
what an achievement - i woke up at 7.45am today
waited for candy to come fetch me
she came at 8.30am with eleena who was just back from NS
we then went for a "breakfast date" like how candy phrased it
glad that i'm not forgotten
eleena said NS was fun and i didn't doubt that
i know of people who wanted to stay longer
it's just like an outdoor camp after all
and you make a lot of new friends
eleena said she met a person there with a "T" grade for BM because he went fishing on that day and didn't take note of the time, so he just missed it.. WOW
anyway, all the best for all your coming assessments candy
we can hang out after everything's finished
after breakfast, i went home and my mom asked me whether i want to fry 4 eggs for my brother, sisters and her
Sure i said. after all, i am not the one eating them :)
so i cooked and wow
i didn't know how they tasted
but ahem, they looked like roti telur? instead of only telur
my bro and my sis fought for the better egg
i supposed the 3rd and the 4th eggs looked more like food
since my cooking got gradually better with more attemps
i'll upload the pic when i'm free
it's not really that bad i think
at least the eggs are unique in their own way
even if the the taste is only 20%
my love is 80% okay
i finally completed a HongKong Drama and a storybook today
the drama was 老婆大人II, quite funny and touching
the book was The Garden ofEden and Other Criminal Delights by Faye Kellerman
i didn't know what's so interesting about this book but i just managed to finish it
I also played a James Bond PS game with my bro and sis, quite fun
once again, i still haven't started studying
and i hope that i can wake up really soon
2 weeks gone!!!
waited for candy to come fetch me
she came at 8.30am with eleena who was just back from NS
we then went for a "breakfast date" like how candy phrased it
glad that i'm not forgotten
eleena said NS was fun and i didn't doubt that
i know of people who wanted to stay longer
it's just like an outdoor camp after all
and you make a lot of new friends
eleena said she met a person there with a "T" grade for BM because he went fishing on that day and didn't take note of the time, so he just missed it.. WOW
anyway, all the best for all your coming assessments candy
we can hang out after everything's finished
after breakfast, i went home and my mom asked me whether i want to fry 4 eggs for my brother, sisters and her
Sure i said. after all, i am not the one eating them :)
so i cooked and wow
i didn't know how they tasted
but ahem, they looked like roti telur? instead of only telur
my bro and my sis fought for the better egg
i supposed the 3rd and the 4th eggs looked more like food
since my cooking got gradually better with more attemps
i'll upload the pic when i'm free
it's not really that bad i think
at least the eggs are unique in their own way
even if the the taste is only 20%
my love is 80% okay
i finally completed a HongKong Drama and a storybook today
the drama was 老婆大人II, quite funny and touching
the book was The Garden ofEden and Other Criminal Delights by Faye Kellerman
i didn't know what's so interesting about this book but i just managed to finish it
I also played a James Bond PS game with my bro and sis, quite fun
once again, i still haven't started studying
and i hope that i can wake up really soon
2 weeks gone!!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Tiring Day
I took my SAT today
For some reason, i went to the test center an hour earlier
then i saw a street soccer court there
tempting me to play but i couldn't find a ball
Anyway, i saw a lot of international students there
mostly Koreans
then i met this girl who could speak so fluently
with the kind of accent
haih, felt so inferior
It was overall a great experience for me
i didn't do any practice test before this
so i somehow got a shock by the format and the timing of the exam
but it's just a minor one, not a big problem
in fact, it made the exam a bit more exciting for me
or maybe it's just because that it was my first time
yea, as you know, first time is alwasys that exciting
So how did i do for the exam?
I am not exactly sure
but i think the maths section can score full marks if nothing goes wrong :P
as for the english section
ahem... i think i kind of guessed a little too many of the questions
should have left them blank since wrong answers will cause your marks to be deducted
Nevermind, it's over
just pray that i would get a high score
i don't want to waste the money
For some reason, i went to the test center an hour earlier
then i saw a street soccer court there
tempting me to play but i couldn't find a ball
Anyway, i saw a lot of international students there
mostly Koreans
then i met this girl who could speak so fluently
with the kind of accent
haih, felt so inferior
It was overall a great experience for me
i didn't do any practice test before this
so i somehow got a shock by the format and the timing of the exam
but it's just a minor one, not a big problem
in fact, it made the exam a bit more exciting for me
or maybe it's just because that it was my first time
yea, as you know, first time is alwasys that exciting
So how did i do for the exam?
I am not exactly sure
but i think the maths section can score full marks if nothing goes wrong :P
as for the english section
ahem... i think i kind of guessed a little too many of the questions
should have left them blank since wrong answers will cause your marks to be deducted
Nevermind, it's over
just pray that i would get a high score
i don't want to waste the money
Friday, June 5, 2009
I was fooling around with my sis today
We were trying to form 俱形容意义的表达
then i realized that the desciptiive phrase 全面性 is very useful
for example, my sister is 全面性地愚蠢 haha
Speaking of 全面性, we then thought of 全角度
So we started forming stupid sentences like
今天早上,我来到了五月银行(maybank =.=),看到了一个栩栩如生的不倒翁。她全面性充气,全角度肥胖! -.-
We also found out that some descriptive phrases can be translated directly from english phrases
for instance, "to a certain extent" is 在某一程度上
Lastly, something to make you laugh whole long:
How do you translate "this is a false statement!"?
Ans: 这是一个的虚假的陈述句! OMG...
We were trying to form 俱形容意义的表达
then i realized that the desciptiive phrase 全面性 is very useful
for example, my sister is 全面性地愚蠢 haha
Speaking of 全面性, we then thought of 全角度
So we started forming stupid sentences like
今天早上,我来到了五月银行(maybank =.=),看到了一个栩栩如生的不倒翁。她全面性充气,全角度肥胖! -.-
We also found out that some descriptive phrases can be translated directly from english phrases
for instance, "to a certain extent" is 在某一程度上
Lastly, something to make you laugh whole long:
How do you translate "this is a false statement!"?
Ans: 这是一个的虚假的陈述句! OMG...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Another day wasted, and counting...

even at the very beginning of today
Don't ask me why
because i'm not going to tell you. yeah!
Basically, i did nothing except observing the clock ticked for today
i still have not started any revision yet...
and SAT is on SATurday but where is preparation?
i went to a lawyer's mansion in the morning
i wanted to play soccer but ended up juggling the ball myself at the front yard
i started watching HK drama again..
i went to my aunt's house at night
and i played some lame PS2 games with my sister
eg. Tom and Jerry, over the hedge, ... -.-

please try your best to appreciate my vain attempt in beatifying my blog
i think i have successfully convinced my sis that Tom is a better character to use
oh, before i forget
to my Sg friends,
i went BaLaBabBaBa~ and ate big mac
big mac here costs only rm 8
which is < S$4
hehe! envy not?
that's all, bye!
Monday, June 1, 2009
First day of June
Sent it for operation today
and the surgeon said,
"It's actually a hardware problem, the software is fine."
So the advice was to buy a new phone
because reviving it certainly cost a lot.
Hence, a death cert was issued.
T.T I love the phone a lot!!!
i bought it for RM1k+ last year
and now it's gone
as if i have just thrown the money into the sea because the fishes needed it to buy food
:@ i am already trying my best not to curse
Lets paint a smile on our face and embrace the uncertainties in life as they are precisely the little things that make our life so meaningful and wonderful......
okay, forget it. let's talk about something else.
after talking to a friend on msn, i thought that handphone could be a very good analogy for relationship
it started with my friend asking me whether i have repaired my phone
then i told her that the phone is dead and i really really do love that phone
after that she asked, "so sentimental?"
i replied, "yea, cos my ex gave it to me"
of course that was not true
so i added, "nah, JK. it was my dream phone back then"
then she said, "i'm sure that you will have another dream phone now. Go for it!"
"but i cant forget my ex", i said.
She said, "then you can just have 2 phones, or best, put a lanyard on it and hang it over your chest"
and i replied, "2 at a time? i cant multitask well and i am very 专一(loyal)"
"haha, 一脚踏两船",she said =.=
hmm... so i was thinking maybe i should really go get a new phone
do you get the analogy?
okay, anyway, i think i am not so into a new phone now
i will get a temporary phone
so anyone who wants to sell his/her phone (must be in good condition) at a reasonable (preferably cheap) price please come and look for me
and please don't get me wrong. i am talking about the real phone here.
Nothing related to the analogy anymore. think straight!
To ziang:
i knew that you had a wonderful day yesterday
i am so jealous of you
it was indeed a simple yet meaningful birthday celebration
hopefully everyone will be able to experience a birthday celebration of this kind in their life
okay, that's all for today
sorry for the diffuse post
i appreciate brevity also
but this is likely going to be the kind of post you will see in the near future
thanks to my "ex" :S
no phone means no photo
please bear with it
or you can just quit visiting my blog
i wont blame you
see ya
Sunday, May 31, 2009
31 May
i dont have a photo of him
you can just go facebook him
hope you enjoy your day
although i'm not there to celebrate with you
you have LooTing so nothing to worry about
basically did nothing productive today
yihang, stay focus!
forget about ...
PS: sorry for the lack of photos in recent posts
i dont have a photo of him
you can just go facebook him
hope you enjoy your day
although i'm not there to celebrate with you
you have LooTing so nothing to worry about
basically did nothing productive today
yihang, stay focus!
forget about ...
PS: sorry for the lack of photos in recent posts
Saturday, May 30, 2009
In the morning, i still managed to play an hour of soccer before i left for my bus.
I was drenched thoroughly after the game.
People at the mrt/ on the bus must be thinking that this crazy guy had run 10km with his baggage because God knows he was sweating not because of the extremely heavy baggage that could cause earthquake if dropped.
Even the security personnel at the Malaysian checkpoint demanded that i open up my baggage for her to examine.
Oh come on, it's just a harmful pile of notes!
Or did i look like a bad guy with some big plan to you?
anyway, i looked at myself in mirror and found that i became sturdier.
then i said, wow! after all these, at least there's still something good about carrying all my notes back isn't it?
hmmm...happy? well, my brain was telling me that it's juat a psychological effect dude
ahh, whatever... :S
okay, lets see what did i do after i was back in malaysia
my mom brought me to get a new pair of spectacles after we spent some time at one of the tables in McD eating what? ice-cream :)
Couldn't make up my mind on two of the chosen specs but in the end picked the one that the salesgirl said looked nice on me
hopefully it really does
After that, we went to Summit to fix my phone
I was totally pissed
the techinician said that the software of my phone's gone
so there goes everything that's stored in my phone too
the only way to fix it is by re-installing the software
and re-installing it cost $80 and no less
bullshit! you want to con me for such an easy job, i will just look for someone cheaper or do it myself
there's a comprehensive guideline online on how to reflash your phone =.=
furthermore they told me that sony ericsson's phones always encounter such a problem
and when the software is gone, it's just gone
there is no way that the software will wave byebye at you before leaving
so what now? i will just keep paying $80 to fix it over and over again if the software is in a vacation mood that it decides travel overseas frequently?
another technician then told me that it must be that i unplug the battery when the phone is on
but i was sure that i didn't!
when would be the time that i take out the battery?
it's only when i need to change the sim card and i always do turn it off before i do so
then i recall that one of my stupid friends once sent me a file that caused my phone to turn off by itself for many subsequent days
i dont know how that file works
but i suspect that it has something to do with the death of my phone
whatever it is, i'm going make sure that i save everything in my memory card next time and never to accept any unknown file even from my friend
following that, my mom went to look for another technician who offered a cheaper rate but he then claimed that my charging board was spoilt too
so the software couldn't be transferred to my phone
Arghhh.....nice try man
i didn't let him fix it
i will go back to him on monday and make sure that the thing works after he replaces a "working" charging board or i will not be paying him a single cent
That concluded my day and my mood can only be described by one word
I was drenched thoroughly after the game.
People at the mrt/ on the bus must be thinking that this crazy guy had run 10km with his baggage because God knows he was sweating not because of the extremely heavy baggage that could cause earthquake if dropped.
Even the security personnel at the Malaysian checkpoint demanded that i open up my baggage for her to examine.
Oh come on, it's just a harmful pile of notes!
Or did i look like a bad guy with some big plan to you?
anyway, i looked at myself in mirror and found that i became sturdier.
then i said, wow! after all these, at least there's still something good about carrying all my notes back isn't it?
hmmm...happy? well, my brain was telling me that it's juat a psychological effect dude
ahh, whatever... :S
okay, lets see what did i do after i was back in malaysia
my mom brought me to get a new pair of spectacles after we spent some time at one of the tables in McD eating what? ice-cream :)
Couldn't make up my mind on two of the chosen specs but in the end picked the one that the salesgirl said looked nice on me
hopefully it really does
After that, we went to Summit to fix my phone
I was totally pissed
the techinician said that the software of my phone's gone
so there goes everything that's stored in my phone too
the only way to fix it is by re-installing the software
and re-installing it cost $80 and no less
bullshit! you want to con me for such an easy job, i will just look for someone cheaper or do it myself
there's a comprehensive guideline online on how to reflash your phone =.=
furthermore they told me that sony ericsson's phones always encounter such a problem
and when the software is gone, it's just gone
there is no way that the software will wave byebye at you before leaving
so what now? i will just keep paying $80 to fix it over and over again if the software is in a vacation mood that it decides travel overseas frequently?
another technician then told me that it must be that i unplug the battery when the phone is on
but i was sure that i didn't!
when would be the time that i take out the battery?
it's only when i need to change the sim card and i always do turn it off before i do so
then i recall that one of my stupid friends once sent me a file that caused my phone to turn off by itself for many subsequent days
i dont know how that file works
but i suspect that it has something to do with the death of my phone
whatever it is, i'm going make sure that i save everything in my memory card next time and never to accept any unknown file even from my friend
following that, my mom went to look for another technician who offered a cheaper rate but he then claimed that my charging board was spoilt too
so the software couldn't be transferred to my phone
Arghhh.....nice try man
i didn't let him fix it
i will go back to him on monday and make sure that the thing works after he replaces a "working" charging board or i will not be paying him a single cent
That concluded my day and my mood can only be described by one word
Friday, May 29, 2009
Well, I haven't been blogging these few days because i really couldn't think of anything interesting to blog about.
Today is the last day of school for term 2.
I am supposed to feel excited but apparently i am not.
Weird isn't it?
what's wrong with me...
On wednesday, choir performed for ArtsFest.
It was the last performance for the 08/09 batch together.
we stayed back after that and sang a few of the old pieces
Lullaby sounded extremely touching on that day
perhaps it's because everybody sang from the bottom of their hearts
i always wanted choir to end as soon as possible
but i totally felt the other way round at that moment
by the way, 08 batch has officially graduated from choir today
and we voted for the new committee members
also, our math tutor MrsYap bought us a cake today to show her appreciation towards us - the most supportive class
how lovely isn't it
she is no longer our form teacher this year but she still treats us as if we are her form class :)
oh, and fortunate enough, it didn't turn into a cake smashing session this time
i am going back to Malaysia tomorrow for my one month holiday
haven't finish packing my stuff yet
my baggage is gonna be super heavy since i am bringing all my notes back
hopefully i can endure the journey to the bus station
i seriously don't understand why i am still feeling so unprepared to go home
i think i am missing something in Singapore
and i couldn't even stay to play soccer with my friends tomorrow morning because i am going back so early :(
MoXiang is coming to play....grrr
okay nevermind...that's not important
hmm... actually i already have a few things in mind that i would like to do during the holidays:
1) Grow as FAT as possible
2) Rest well
3) Study
4) Fix my phone/ buy a new one (the former is preferred)
5) buy a pair of new specs
6) Get a new haircut
7) Karaoke
8) Eat happily
9) Play soccer
and more
arghhh, okay i shall stop here
i am really running out of things to say
let me end off with an example of inconvenience caused by lousy handphones:
today, i went to retrieve my approved leave letter from the teacher's desk so that i can apply leave from boarding school and i saw that JiaJun's approved letter was there too
i hesitated whether to take for him and i chose not to since i didn't have a functional phone to inform him about it
what if he comes to search for it without knowing that i have taken for him and so he can't find it?
Later after school, i met him and he told me that he couldn't find his letter at the pigeonhole when he was actually supposed to look for it at the teacher's table instead
okay that's not the point
the main point was that he wanted to call me and asked me to collect his letter for him if i see it when i am getting mine
but unfortunately he knew that my phone was spoilt so he couldn't contact me
hence, the letter was actually there all the while and we could have save all the trouble if my phone wasn't spoilt
in the end, we both went to the staff room to get the letter together
so funny right? =.=
Monday, May 25, 2009
I just woke up with a pool of water underneath my head!!!
OH God, what kind of weather is this?!
you mean i had been sweating profusely while i was sleeping?
i thought the only way a person could wet his/her pillow was by tears
now i would have to wash my pillowcase :@
By the way, i have been surviving without a phone for a week!
Congratulate me man!
My apologies to everyone who has wanted to contact me over the week
i promise to get my phone fixed as soon as possible
i myself couldn't sms and call also okay, it's toturing
and super inconvenient
Another thing
i want to go home for my entire june holiday
but i am facing a dilemma here
i am extremely worried that i will not be studying
it has always been the case when i'm at home
i don't want to let anybody down anymore
but i don't trust myself
How? :S
And today
part of the skin of my index finger peeled off thanks to the floorball stick
now i cant do any pull up..
please recover as soon as possible
i still need to carry my incredibly heavy baggage back home
Last thing
i am having a Spanish exam on thursday
wish me luck!
i am gonna start studying for it later
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saturday Morning
I'm currently living without an alarm clock
and it's so surprising that i can still wake up in the morning
Yesterday, my class was selected to watch the girls and boys basketball finals
based on minimal lesson disruption as the school phrased it =.=
Our school won both the matches.
Hoefully they are giving us a half-day holiday next week. heehee
HongYao was totally awesome!
His basketball skills are super pro!
I like him man.
After that, i went to watch DanceNight
how was it really? sorry i couldn't tell
i think i was too tired at that time
but overall i think the dancers did a good job
oh ya, i remember
i particularly like the solo part at the starting of the first chinese dance
the dancer was so expressive and she shaped the dance so beautifully
i dont know how to explain it
it's just 很有古典美
besides, i like the senior's item and the dancing cleaner too, so funny
and lastly, i also did something that i never thought i would be brave enough to do
so proud of myself haha
okay now it's time to introduce a new movie:
Robert Downey Jr (the ironman guy) and Jude Law are starring in it!
And most importantly, the movie is directed by my favourite Guy Ritchie!
you can watch the trailer:Frankly speaking, the trailer didn't impress me
but i will still watch it i think
maybe the movie itself is nice
disclaimer: i have never mentioned in any way that the movie is good
so if you decide to watch it and it isn't good
please do not blame me
and it's so surprising that i can still wake up in the morning
Yesterday, my class was selected to watch the girls and boys basketball finals
based on minimal lesson disruption as the school phrased it =.=
Our school won both the matches.
Hoefully they are giving us a half-day holiday next week. heehee
HongYao was totally awesome!
His basketball skills are super pro!
I like him man.
After that, i went to watch DanceNight
how was it really? sorry i couldn't tell
i think i was too tired at that time
but overall i think the dancers did a good job
oh ya, i remember
i particularly like the solo part at the starting of the first chinese dance
the dancer was so expressive and she shaped the dance so beautifully
i dont know how to explain it
it's just 很有古典美
besides, i like the senior's item and the dancing cleaner too, so funny
and lastly, i also did something that i never thought i would be brave enough to do
so proud of myself haha
okay now it's time to introduce a new movie:

And most importantly, the movie is directed by my favourite Guy Ritchie!
you can watch the trailer:Frankly speaking, the trailer didn't impress me
but i will still watch it i think
maybe the movie itself is nice
disclaimer: i have never mentioned in any way that the movie is good
so if you decide to watch it and it isn't good
please do not blame me
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
19 May
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hey, i was watching Britain's Got Talent Episode 6.
Totally impressed by this 11-year-old boy - Aidan Davis.
Watch it:
Too bad i cant put it here. Embedding's disabled.
His dance was fantastic.
Next, a very very little girl with a very very big voice:Okay, other than the little girl's good.
I actually have another point to make here.
Kelly Brook, the new judge, is very pretty... :)
Totally impressed by this 11-year-old boy - Aidan Davis.
Watch it:
Too bad i cant put it here. Embedding's disabled.
His dance was fantastic.
Next, a very very little girl with a very very big voice:Okay, other than the little girl's good.
I actually have another point to make here.
Kelly Brook, the new judge, is very pretty... :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
17 May
A few things to blog about today
1st: Happy Birthday to Calvin :)
His birthday was yesterday though.
I knew i had something to blog for yesterday but i just couldn't recall.
Anyway, hopefully Calvin will visit my blog and see his handsome face here.
2nd: Today is LeeHom's Birthday!
Happy Birthday man!
Continue to make good music.
You Rock!
3rd: Watched Angels and Demons with LooTing and JiaJun today.
I haven't read the book before watching the movie.
I couldn't judge whether the movie is good in terms of the filming
because i was quite overwhelmed by the information that i had to absorb from the story
but what i can say is that the storyline was fantastic!
I finally know why it's called the Angels and Demons.
Fortuntely i didn't read the book before watching it or i would have missed all the thrill.
Thumbs up for the author.
4th: I had my chemistry SPA skill A paper yesterday.
Surprisingly, i was quite satisfied with it.
Usually, you will have at least some regrets after a SPA assessment
but for yesterday's paper i finished it 20 minutes before.
The only thing that i felt imperfect was my handwriting.
I was afraid that i might not be able to finish in time,
so i sped through it since the beginning and as a result my handwriting was horrible but still legible i think :]
OKay, i will update further if there is anymore interesting things happening to me at night. Whee!
1st: Happy Birthday to Calvin :)
I knew i had something to blog for yesterday but i just couldn't recall.
Anyway, hopefully Calvin will visit my blog and see his handsome face here.
2nd: Today is LeeHom's Birthday!

Continue to make good music.
You Rock!
3rd: Watched Angels and Demons with LooTing and JiaJun today.

I couldn't judge whether the movie is good in terms of the filming
because i was quite overwhelmed by the information that i had to absorb from the story
but what i can say is that the storyline was fantastic!
I finally know why it's called the Angels and Demons.
Fortuntely i didn't read the book before watching it or i would have missed all the thrill.
Thumbs up for the author.
4th: I had my chemistry SPA skill A paper yesterday.
Surprisingly, i was quite satisfied with it.
Usually, you will have at least some regrets after a SPA assessment
but for yesterday's paper i finished it 20 minutes before.
The only thing that i felt imperfect was my handwriting.
I was afraid that i might not be able to finish in time,
so i sped through it since the beginning and as a result my handwriting was horrible but still legible i think :]
OKay, i will update further if there is anymore interesting things happening to me at night. Whee!
Friday, May 15, 2009
First of all, correction to my previous post.
Ronaldo is not moving to Real Madrid anymore.
People claimed that he's expensive
and that he will disrupt locker room peace.
So sad, poor Ronaldo now has nowhere to belong.
An abum to recommend:
周传雄 - 恋人 创世纪
I only listened briefly to the album except for one song.
So cannot really comment on it yet
but 伤心酒杯 is really very nice.
His singing style is extraordinary.
Like what YuHeng said, "他唱歌很悠闲,很随便,但却很有技巧!"
and i think this is precisely what makes his songs so emotional.
Furthermore, his voice is very high.
I agree to YuHeng that he can be one of the 歌神s.
So check it out!
Ronaldo is not moving to Real Madrid anymore.
People claimed that he's expensive
and that he will disrupt locker room peace.
So sad, poor Ronaldo now has nowhere to belong.
An abum to recommend:

I only listened briefly to the album except for one song.
So cannot really comment on it yet
but 伤心酒杯 is really very nice.
His singing style is extraordinary.
Like what YuHeng said, "他唱歌很悠闲,很随便,但却很有技巧!"
and i think this is precisely what makes his songs so emotional.
Furthermore, his voice is very high.
I agree to YuHeng that he can be one of the 歌神s.
So check it out!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cristiano Ronaldo

Must be that he was unhappy with Ferguson's move of substituting him out during the match against Man City.
I knew it all back then while he was shaking his head watching the match after being substituted, the only thing that was on his mind must be to transfer to Real Madrid straight.
Haha, okay, actually we all know that he wanted to go over all along.
His keen interest was unconcealed the previous time.
SO yea, Man U is no longer Ronaldo FC in 2 months time....
P/S: Arsenal please please please buck up! this season's perfomance was really disappointing and disheartening...
and Liverpool, can you quit being 后劲不足! :@
Monday, May 11, 2009
Boring Day
Today was the make-up holiday for Vesak day.
I was supposed to be doing my homework
but instead i went out with my friends for a 5-hour karaoke :S
Who went?
Ziang and Cheo + Wilfred (not in photo)
Expected the kbox rate to be lower as the holiday wasn't a public one
but apparently it doesn't make any difference...
A sad thing to note was that my voice's still broken
but since that i would have no more choir practice
perhaps it's now really a good time for me to train back my singing style for pop songs now
OKay, other random things that i want to blog about:
this is the memorial mug to celebrate the tenth year my primary school (lick hung) has shifted
this is the cup that i have been using all the while
and this is also my favourite cup!
cause it is big enough?
Anyway, it was bought back in the year 2001
Next is photo that i took some time back
Jingbin (the one holding on to 2 soft toys) and my retarded roommate KennSiang...
err...dunno what to add on about them
they are both from 6C =.=
On saturday, choir had a performance
that was probably my last peformance in the choir
and it's definitely my last performance in VCH
Once again, presenting to you, the Basses.
Lastly, another photo that i took in the morning
can you recognise this cute guy?
he is none other than LooTing (^-^)V
I was supposed to be doing my homework
but instead i went out with my friends for a 5-hour karaoke :S
Who went?
Expected the kbox rate to be lower as the holiday wasn't a public one
but apparently it doesn't make any difference...
A sad thing to note was that my voice's still broken
but since that i would have no more choir practice
perhaps it's now really a good time for me to train back my singing style for pop songs now
OKay, other random things that i want to blog about:
this is the cup that i have been using all the while
and this is also my favourite cup!
cause it is big enough?
Anyway, it was bought back in the year 2001
Next is photo that i took some time back
err...dunno what to add on about them
they are both from 6C =.=
On saturday, choir had a performance
that was probably my last peformance in the choir
and it's definitely my last performance in VCH

Lastly, another photo that i took in the morning
can you recognise this cute guy?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
5 May
Monday, May 4, 2009
All or Nothing
Okay. i acually didn't want to blog but since that i have so much to tell, i'll just spend a little time writing.
Tomorrow will be the day.
The day when all our sufferrings finally yield results.
And i sincerely hope that everyone of us will give our best tomorrow.
Everything is simply determined by how well we perform tomorrow.
Our effort all along is equivalent to nothing if we are not on form tomorrow.
Who knows how hard you have worked or how well you have sung before if you are not showing it tomorrow.
Although we always say that the result is not important, but deep down our hearts, we all know that we want it all or nothing.
So, the main thing is to have no regrets.
And this can only be achieved by having no reservations for tomorrow.
Even if we really didn't meet our desired goal, we know that we have done our best and we are satisfied no matter what.
Don't turn it into something that you would like to alter if you could reverse time.
For the sake of our conductor, our teachers, our seniors, our friends and ourselves, we cannot afford to lose tomorrow.
Please sell all your souls to the music!
Over here, i would like to thank our conductor, our teachers and our seniors for going that extra mile to help us in acheiving our goal.
We will not let you down!
There is one thing that i must agree with my conductor, she admits to and apologizes for her mistakes and this isn't something that many other conductors can do.
I respect her fully for that.
Her only weakness is that she is rather bad-tempered and sad to say this largely determines whether our practice is good or bad. haha
Besides, i would like to thank all my friends who delivered their encouragements and last but not least i would like to tell all the choir members how much i LOVE you all.
so TOMORROW watch us make music!
Tomorrow will be the day.
The day when all our sufferrings finally yield results.
And i sincerely hope that everyone of us will give our best tomorrow.
Everything is simply determined by how well we perform tomorrow.
Our effort all along is equivalent to nothing if we are not on form tomorrow.
Who knows how hard you have worked or how well you have sung before if you are not showing it tomorrow.
Although we always say that the result is not important, but deep down our hearts, we all know that we want it all or nothing.
So, the main thing is to have no regrets.
And this can only be achieved by having no reservations for tomorrow.
Even if we really didn't meet our desired goal, we know that we have done our best and we are satisfied no matter what.
Don't turn it into something that you would like to alter if you could reverse time.
For the sake of our conductor, our teachers, our seniors, our friends and ourselves, we cannot afford to lose tomorrow.
Please sell all your souls to the music!
Over here, i would like to thank our conductor, our teachers and our seniors for going that extra mile to help us in acheiving our goal.
We will not let you down!
There is one thing that i must agree with my conductor, she admits to and apologizes for her mistakes and this isn't something that many other conductors can do.
I respect her fully for that.
Her only weakness is that she is rather bad-tempered and sad to say this largely determines whether our practice is good or bad. haha
Besides, i would like to thank all my friends who delivered their encouragements and last but not least i would like to tell all the choir members how much i LOVE you all.
so TOMORROW watch us make music!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Out of boredom, I read through my entire blog starting from the first post and a few things caught my atention.
I think it's really time for some reflection.
First thing, time flies. Everything in my blog is still fresh in my memory as though they have just happened yesterday but the truth is more than half a year have passed. Wow!
Next, i find that my english is ineffably poor. I feel so embarassed when i am reading my own blog :( please help me, i want to improve!
Also, i notice that i seldom capture the joyous moments of my life in the blog and on the contrary full of emo posts. So, from now on i'm going to change this.
Other than these, i also realise that i seldom talk about my choir. For a simple reason, my conductor does not like people to talk about it in blog. I love the choir as much as i hate it. So, it's only wise that i don't speak about it or else i might get into trouble. It's 2 days to SYF. I am not sure how well we can do but i am accepting whatever results that we are going to achieve. To be honest, what i think is that we are both equally responsible for the quality of the choir now. On our part, we did not do our best, there wasn't a clear leader and sectionals weren't put into place to ensure that we are technically firm. However, on her part, she focused on us only at a very late stage, she didn't know the score well before this and she was quite fickle-minded as she always didn't know what she really wanted. Despite all these, i still think that she is a very nice person and i love every single one of you in the choir.
The last thing that i find it interesting is my very second post. I was talking about getting the worst results in my life and was analyzing why did it occured. The funniest part was i said that i must change. And here i am, 6 months later, mourning over my poor results and letting my family, friends and teachers down. Have i changed? Everyone around me now is a smarter opponent. Why is this happening? I reflected on it and the major reason that i can think of is that i am no longer thinking. I couldn't remember when but i had acquired this attitude of seeing thinking as labourous chore and i should just avoid any occasion that requires it. This is probably why i couldn't analyse things properly nowadays. I am no longer conscious. This explains why i am constantly making the wrong choices lately.
Okay, apart from all that i have said above, my main point for this post is to tell everyone of you that this is all going to end right at this post and i mean it! yeah!
I think it's really time for some reflection.
First thing, time flies. Everything in my blog is still fresh in my memory as though they have just happened yesterday but the truth is more than half a year have passed. Wow!
Next, i find that my english is ineffably poor. I feel so embarassed when i am reading my own blog :( please help me, i want to improve!
Also, i notice that i seldom capture the joyous moments of my life in the blog and on the contrary full of emo posts. So, from now on i'm going to change this.
Other than these, i also realise that i seldom talk about my choir. For a simple reason, my conductor does not like people to talk about it in blog. I love the choir as much as i hate it. So, it's only wise that i don't speak about it or else i might get into trouble. It's 2 days to SYF. I am not sure how well we can do but i am accepting whatever results that we are going to achieve. To be honest, what i think is that we are both equally responsible for the quality of the choir now. On our part, we did not do our best, there wasn't a clear leader and sectionals weren't put into place to ensure that we are technically firm. However, on her part, she focused on us only at a very late stage, she didn't know the score well before this and she was quite fickle-minded as she always didn't know what she really wanted. Despite all these, i still think that she is a very nice person and i love every single one of you in the choir.
The last thing that i find it interesting is my very second post. I was talking about getting the worst results in my life and was analyzing why did it occured. The funniest part was i said that i must change. And here i am, 6 months later, mourning over my poor results and letting my family, friends and teachers down. Have i changed? Everyone around me now is a smarter opponent. Why is this happening? I reflected on it and the major reason that i can think of is that i am no longer thinking. I couldn't remember when but i had acquired this attitude of seeing thinking as labourous chore and i should just avoid any occasion that requires it. This is probably why i couldn't analyse things properly nowadays. I am no longer conscious. This explains why i am constantly making the wrong choices lately.
Okay, apart from all that i have said above, my main point for this post is to tell everyone of you that this is all going to end right at this post and i mean it! yeah!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Managed to get LooTing, ZhiTao, JonLoong, HueyJeen and Wilfred to watch a movie together today.
We watched X-men origins: Wolverine
Fortunately, it was nice!
I was still worrying whether it will be a waste of time as i am the kind of person who is quite particular when it comes to watching movie.
I don't like to spend time watching crap.
I was especially touched by his love story.
I shall not spoil anyone of you.
Go watch it and you will understand.
I didn't really like the ending because it was like everything that shaped wolverine into who he is now has gone into waste.
It feels as if everything has never happened before.
But no choice, it has to be that way so that it can be linked to X-men 1.
Apart from this, there were a few more touching scenes involving his brother as well as an elderly couple.
Of course, not to mention that there were many other cool moments and you get to watch the super hot hugh jackman.
So, go and watch it because i don't anyhow praise a superhero movie.
Talking about superhero movies, ironman and punisher 1 are the nice ones that i would recommend to you all if you all are interested.
Here is the trailer:I think the movie itself is a lot better than the trailer.
Managed to get LooTing, ZhiTao, JonLoong, HueyJeen and Wilfred to watch a movie together today.
We watched X-men origins: Wolverine

I was still worrying whether it will be a waste of time as i am the kind of person who is quite particular when it comes to watching movie.
I don't like to spend time watching crap.
I was especially touched by his love story.
I shall not spoil anyone of you.
Go watch it and you will understand.
I didn't really like the ending because it was like everything that shaped wolverine into who he is now has gone into waste.
It feels as if everything has never happened before.
But no choice, it has to be that way so that it can be linked to X-men 1.
Apart from this, there were a few more touching scenes involving his brother as well as an elderly couple.
Of course, not to mention that there were many other cool moments and you get to watch the super hot hugh jackman.
So, go and watch it because i don't anyhow praise a superhero movie.
Talking about superhero movies, ironman and punisher 1 are the nice ones that i would recommend to you all if you all are interested.
Here is the trailer:I think the movie itself is a lot better than the trailer.
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